Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy 2011
Monday, December 27, 2010
Bullets and Brains
Chapter 1
1st day) Nnnh... it nnnhed, lumbering towards its prey, thinking its usual thought pattern. Food... nnnh...meat...nnnh...flesh...nnnh...BRAINS.
Its bloodied hands stretched towards its would-be lunch, about to grasp it by the arm, to wrench it so the food would scream but then quieten to shock as the zombie would then sink its yellowed teeth into the rest of the body, savouring the warm coppery taste of-
The zombie paused for a moment, confused by the sudden noise, when its prey turned around, holding a big black shiny thing. A big black shiny, DANGEROUS thing.
Chk Chk.
Unfortunately for this wannabe-killer/zombie, it was to become kill number 492 for a certain person. A certain person with a double-barrelled shotgun.
A certain person by the name of America Fucking Jones.
With a smirk and raised eyebrow, the prey turned to the hunter, raised his gun, and blew its brains out.
Just like that.
2) America let out a big whoop, following it with an impromptu Victory Dance consisting of a mix of MC Hammer-ing and Soulja Boy-ing [with a drop of Usher-ing. Yeah man.]
For the 17 year old, who had been in post-apocalyptic Earth [otherwise known as Zombieland] for around 7 years, zombie killing was what he did best. The thrill of the hunt then the triumph of the kill. The blood splattering everywhere in a gooey, horrible fashion. To him, this was 10x better than your average shoot ‘em up game. Zombie killing was what he lived for. Well, that and-
“Ow. I’m not doing anything wrong. You didn’t have to hit me.” America groaned.
“You sodding git, you’re making so much noise, I would not be surprised if half the undead population of America came swarming towards us. Keep it quiet, we’re not meant to attract attention.”
England ‘Iggy’ Kirkland. Who America considered to be 1 of his 2 best friends. The 19 year old [then 12] had found America when both of his parents had been ‘Bitten’ or turned into zombies and then shot by police. He had raised America, as a friend and mentor. He owed his life to Iggy, as, without him, he’d be a groaning lump of rotting meat by now.
America turned to England, a childish pout on his face. “Y’know, I could take ‘em out if I had to. No need to be so uptight, I’m just having some fun.”
“We’re meant to be on bloody PATROL you arsehole, which means we’re meant to be finding survivors and supplies, not off dancing around like idiots.” England retorted, his usual, I-Am-Not-Amused glare on his face.
“Yeah, but Iggy, when was the last time we actually found someone al-“
Both teens snapped out of their argument and quickly turned to find the source of the voice.
“Touché, Iggy. Touché.”
“Stop calling me Iggy, you git.”
A teen with chin length wavy blonde hair in a bedraggled red jumper came staggering towards them. In his left hand he had a sawed off shotgun, in his right, a bloodied hockey stick.
“Can you...” he half panted, half yelled. “Help me... might’ve been... Bitten... eh...”
3) England and America gave each other worried looks, gripped their guns just in case of Spontaneous Undead Evolution [or S.U.E., the process of when a normal human being turns to a zombie], and cautiously walked toward the other boy.
“When did you think you got Bitten?” England asked, suspicion lacing his features. It wasn’t the first time they had come across another human being on patrol, and then a few minutes later, when their guard had come down, a SUE had overcome the human, and they’d just narrowly escaped being Bitten themselves.
“Around 2 hours ago.” The boy replied.
“Well, chap, you should be fine for up to 6 hours, but as for now, you should come with us. We have shelter and food.”
“Really, you’d do that, for me, eh? Thanks so much!”
“Well, welcome to our safe little Haven-Of-Awesomeness-Away-From-Evil-Brain-Eating-Man-Killers, a.k.a. The Haven. Or more HavenS plural, we’ve taken residence in both this house and the two houses either side of it.”
Apparently, this guy made these rules up to help him keep alive. Unfortunately, he either got killed or lost this, but it’s saved our asses a few times, believe me. Unfortunately, some of the rules got covered in blood when this guy had them and are now ya can’t read ‘em so it’s more like the 18 Golden Rules of blahblahblah. Either way, you’re gonna have to remember them, cos this will be your Bible for survival until you get killed or we find a cure, so listen up.
Cardio The fat guys went first because they couldn’t outrun the suckers.”
“Double tap, Zombies are hardy creatures as they have high pain resistance,” England butted in. “So, there is a high possibility that they can get up when you’re not looking and attack you. So extra shot to the head is good.”
"Beware of bathrooms, you’re at your weakest when taking a piss. Check all cubicles first. And keep your pistol handy when your pants are down.”
“ Wear seatbelts, you’re concentrating on surviving ‘Zombieland’ so dying by something stupid like plunging through your windscreen when braking suddenly."
"Cast iron skillet: Hungary’s best friend."
"Travel light, or else it will weigh you down when running from the Undead. That’s physically and emotionally. Try not to make too many friends; it’ll make it harder on you when they turn into zombies. "
"Get a kickass partner. Well, that’s an easy rule to obey, just stick with me, and you’ll be sweet." America made a movie star-esque grin at the others in the group.
"Ignore him lad, he’s being an idiot like usual. Moving on, Paper towels, useful for quick cleaning of blood and just about everything else. Also good for stemming wounds. "
"Bowling Ball, another useful weapon, but it takes practice and a good dose of luck to use it."
"Don't be a hero, we can’t blame you for running if we’re dead. Unless we’re ghosts of course."
"Ahhhh don’t say that Iggy!! I don’t want to think about it, they’re so scary-““Idiot.” “Ok, next rule is Limber up, basically, stretch before going into Zombiedom. At this point, I started to think the rulemaker was a bit nuts.”
"Avoid strip clubs-" “Or Iggy when he’s drunk. That could get ugly.” “I’m from the The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and I can hold my liquor better than you any day! And stop calling me Iggy!
When in doubt, know your way out, because when on the run from zombies, you can’t aimlessly run into every door, hoping it’s the exit. America here knows full well how fun that is."
"The buddy system. So you can do the whole ‘Bad boys, Bad boys watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when I come for...’ Cos that never gets old. “
"Check the back seat. Zombies love to hide where you least expect them."
"Enjoy the little things. You have no idea how much Iggy cried when we found a good batch of Earl Grey.”
"Well I’m sorry that I am sick up to my neck of the rubbish you call Lipton Tea! It tastes like diluted soap water. Now, the Swiss army knife is your most trusted friend, always useful to have in a tight spot."
"And last but not least, Hygiene, it’s the number one thing that keeps you sane. If you look and smell like a zombie, you’ll probably end up being one."
1620/50 000
Friday, December 24, 2010
Yes I Am a Loser for Being on the Computer on Xmas Day...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
If I Had Twitter...
So is Absolutely Invincible Britsh Gentleman. World Ondo and America's Songs are some of the most annoying songs you could hear in your life.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sylvia's DeWrMo 30th November
Title: The Silver Dragons [series title]
1. Introduction:
It was too soon, she thought. They were still young. How was this possible? Wasn’t this much too cruel? Today they worried about friends and school, but soon they would have the safety of an [albeit small] world on their shoulders.
And soon she would give one, if not all of her three children’s innocence away to protect a world that 99% of the world doesn’t know about. Was it fair? Of course it wasn’t. Her precious children, forced to become adults? No.
But they have no choice. Like she had no choice.
She remembered the day she first got exposed, like it was barely yesterday, although it was nearly 30 years ago.
“Carmen.” a voice echoed down the hall, “Carmen, I need to talk to you.”
I.E., including title, 135 words, according to Word.
I figured out, that every day I have to write 1667 words.
And that if I plan to do the 100 themes, then each theme will be 500 words, and I'd have to do 3 and a bit each day.
So far, it's not working. OTL.
Monday, November 29, 2010
My Writer's Month: December, because November is impossible
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Dove!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It's a Beautiful Day [or really night]
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My Life According to...
Pick your Artist: Evanescence
Are you a male or female: Snow White Queen
Describe yourself: Your Star
How do you feel: Understanding
Describe where you currently live: Field of Innocence
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Farther Away
Your favorite form of transportation: My Last Breath
Your best friend is: Everybody's Fool
You and your best friends are: Going Under
What's the weather like: Cloud Nine
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Heart-Shaped Box
What is life to you: Eternal
Your relationship: Thoughtless
Your fear: Lithium
What is the best advice you have to give: Good Enough
Thought for the Day: Where Will You Go?
How I would like to die: Tourniquet
My soul's present condition: Missing
My motto: All That I'm Living For
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Elements meme from angel
Elements Meme
[x] You have a short temper.
[x] You often act on your emotions without thinking first.
[x] You are very competitive.
[ ] You like to play with fire.
[x] You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all.
[x] You prefer warm weather over cold weather.
[] You often lose control over yourself.
[] You can be quite reckless.
[x] You sometimes hurt people without realizing it.
[x] People have often called you insane. [well, i think I'm partially insane, I talk to myself like i'm talking to someone else that i know well, it's first sign of madness, really.]
Total: 7
[ ] You have a calm, laid-back personality.
[x] You like to go to the beach.
[x] You rarely get angry.
[ ] When you do get angry, you know how to control it.
[ ] You think before you act.
[ ] You are good at breaking up fights.
[ ] You are a good swimmer.
[x] You like the rain.
[ ] You can stay calm in stressful situations.
[x] You are very generous.
Total: 4
[ ] You are physically strong. [i thought, then i was proved wrong in our compulsory self defense class at school
[] You have a close connection with nature.
[ ] You don't mind getting dirty.
[x] You form strong opinions on issues that concern you.
[ ] You could easily survive in the wild.
[x] You care about the environment. [ish]
[ ] You can easily focus on your work without getting distracted.
[ ] You rarely get depressed.
[ ] You aren't afraid of anything.
[x ] You prefer to have a strict set of rules.
Total: 3
[] You have a free spirit.
[] You hate rules.
[] You prefer to be out in the open rather than in small, enclosed spaces.
[x] You hate to be restrained.
[ ] You are very independent and outgoing.
[x] You are quite intelligent.
[x] You tend to be impatient.
[x] You are easily distracted.
[x] You can sometimes be hyperactive and/or annoying.
[x] You wish you could fly.
Total: 6
[x] You spend most of your time alone.
[ ] You prefer nighttime over daytime.
[] You like creepy things.
[] You like to play tricks on people.
[ ] Black is your favorite color.
[ ] You prefer the villains over the heroes in movies, TV shows, videogames, etc.
[x ] You don't talk much.
[ ] You are atheist.
[] You don't mind watching scary movies.
[ ] You love to break the rules.
Total: 2
[x] You are very polite.
[ ] You are spiritual.
[ ] When someone is in trouble, you never hesitate to help them.
[x ] You believe everything you see or hear. [mostly]
[ ] You are afraid of the dark.
[x] You hate violence.
[x] You hope for world peace.
[] You are generally a happy person.
[ ] Everyone loves to be around you.
[x ] You always follow the rules. [mostly]
Total: 5
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Doing an Angel and doing this again
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your music library.
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
Opening Credits:
Satellites -September. Love this song.
Waking Up:
Seventeen Forever -Metro Station. Ok. In the mornings I'm seventeen? Cool.
First Day At School:
One Minute -Kelly Clarkson [I would believe this would describe the car trip to school taking a much shorter time than it should.]
Falling In love:
Broken -Seether ft. Amy Lee. Ok, so we love each other cos we're like both depressed or something? Oh dear.
Fight Song:
Poker Face -Lady Gaga. I could see this working.
Breaking Up:
Fall Into Me -Hey Monday. This, however, I could not see working.
Let This Go -Paramore
Life's OK:
Stay Close, Don't Go -Secondhand Serenade. Ok. Right.
Mental Breakdown:
Can't Get Over -September. Um... Ok? I can't get over whatever I'm obsessing about.
Should've Tried Harder -Hey Monday. Should've tried harder on my driving test? Dammit.
The Bird and the Worm -Owl City. NO.
Getting Back Together:
Going Under -Evanescence. You sure we're not actually breaking up?
If No One Will Listen -Kelly Clarkson. Somehow, I don't think this would suit.
Birth of Child:
In the Dark -Flyleaf. Well I suppose the baby's in the dark.
Final Battle:
Let The Flames Begin -Paramore. Oh yes. Definately. Well, this is a bajillion times better than Love Story as my Final Battle Song.
Death Scene:
Einsamkeit -Germany Character Song. It means 'loneliness' so I believe it fits.
Funeral Song:
Pechika~ My Heart Has A Light -Russia Character Song. Um... maybe?
End Credits:
My Immortal -Evanescence
After Credits Twist:
Runaway -Avril Lavigne. I think that's a pretty cool twist :D
Friday, November 12, 2010
Re: Weird Dream
Ivan shows Alfred the cards. Ok?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Meme from Angel
Um... something about my school [it's the school's magazine. I am going to look like a complete and total retard if I actually start reading the damn things.]
2.) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you reach?
The DVDs Great Expectations and Inkheart
Last night? Oh, what. Lol. Um... Idk. Dora the Explorer, The Wiggles or Hi-5. Yeah, one of the three. D:
4.) Without looking guess what time it is?
11 something
5.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
6.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Talking, books being turned/shut and the Bradenburg Concerto No. 5 by Johann Sebastian Bach, cos I need to listen to it for the music exam.
7.) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Around 15 minutes ago, for lunch
8.) Before you started this meme, what did you look at?
Those ducks on that video of the Concerto
9.) What are you wearing?
My school uniform and purple earphones, which I keep taking out cos they are so good that I keep thinking that the music is playing aloud.
10.) Did you dream last night?
No, amazingly.
11.) When did you last laugh?
Probably sometime with my friends around 15 minutes ago.
12.) What are on the walls you are in?
Paper. And books. And shelves.
13.) Seen anything weird lately?
Yeah, I'm looking at wedding dresses made of recycled material in the library right now.
14.) What do you think of this quiz?
15.) What was the last film you saw?
The Last Airbender. I was disappointed. It's SOCK-A not SOAK-A. I practically died from pronunciation fail.
16.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
An Xbox 360. Me and Dove wanna go on a Halo marathon YEAH MAN. *coughs*
17.) Tell me something about you that I don't know?
I find this Brandenburg Concerto actually really catchy. But I still don't like harpsichords.
18.) If you could change one thing about the world...
Homework should be banned.
19.) Something you'd like to learn?
20.) George Bush:
21.) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Ambriella. The girl form of Ambriel. It's the Gemini Angel. Also, it's the name of one of characters.
22.) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Some name that sounds cool. Like Horatio. PSYCH. Nah, not Horatio.
23.) Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yes, but I think I'd end up offending half of that country with my horrible speaking skills.
24.) What do you want God to say when you reach the pearly gates?
"Ah sorry, Michael Jackson's busy at the moment."
25.) Tag six people who must also do this in THEIR journal
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
To Vic Mignogna, and everyone else...
I never really thought myself to be a fangirl. But now I know that I am. Damn.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
First Year Anniversary

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Shameless Plug
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Angels MLIA and Sylvia's Fail.
then this band came out as a last minute act