Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sylvia's DeWrMo 30th November

Or December Writing Month

Pretty Pathetic, what I've written so far:

Title: The Silver Dragons [series title]

1. Introduction:

It was too soon, she thought. They were still young. How was this possible? Wasn’t this much too cruel? Today they worried about friends and school, but soon they would have the safety of an [albeit small] world on their shoulders.

And soon she would give one, if not all of her three children’s innocence away to protect a world that 99% of the world doesn’t know about. Was it fair? Of course it wasn’t. Her precious children, forced to become adults? No.

But they have no choice. Like she had no choice.

She remembered the day she first got exposed, like it was barely yesterday, although it was nearly 30 years ago.

“Carmen.” a voice echoed down the hall, “Carmen, I need to talk to you.”

I.E., including title, 135 words, according to Word.

I figured out, that every day I have to write 1667 words.

And that if I plan to do the 100 themes, then each theme will be 500 words, and I'd have to do 3 and a bit each day.

So far, it's not working. OTL.



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