Monday, November 29, 2010

My Writer's Month: December, because November is impossible

Why can't we have it in like January?! That whole month is holidays!!

I'm going to try and write the whole 50, 000 words from today, November 30th to December 30th.

Try being the key word.

I'm going to be doing scenes from the story-that-has-been-stuck-in-my-head-for-9ish-years.

It's kinda hard, because I've had it all sorted out, each arc as such, even in the future, I have the final battle panning out with a lot of different scenarios here.

It's hard also because I don't want to start from the beginning, because all the stuff I've thought of now is the stuff I want to write, if that makes sense.

So yeah, snapshots it is :D

Also, I'm going to follow the 100 themes challenge here:

Hell, if I can, I'll do all 5 variations.

But I really doubt it.

We'll see.


  1. You are insane for trying that challenge btw.
    I'll do it too :D

    Also, whats this story?
    I wanna read plz c:

  2. Ah, thanks for doing it with me :D
    You can do it with art if you want instead.
    If that's easier.

    The story?
    You'll have to see.
