Sunday, October 24, 2010

To Vic Mignogna, and everyone else...

To Vic, am I allowed to call you that? Did I spell your name right? Oh gosh.

I doubt if you will ever read this. And that's okay, because you are busy being awesome and making fangirls go 'OMG AWESOME' and really, make all anime fans happy.

These are the things that I would have liked to tell you [or well the bottom portion, anyway] in probably one of, if not the best minute of Louisa and I's lives when we met you personally. But it was a) busy and b) I was too much of a chicken to tell you.

Louisa and I were there when you were at Armageddon in Auckland, New Zealand.

I was that crazy screaming hyperventilating fan that gave you that drawing of Ed, Roy, Greece, Japan, Tamaki and Haruhi getting surrounded by crazy fangirls. And then forced you to sign the other side of Louisa's drawing. Her drawing is amazing, she wouldn't admit it and I thought I'd step in and just turn the damn thing over. I am such a fail. By the way, Mochis [what she drew] is a Hetalia fan thing, where they have forms of themselves in mochistyle, or as Japanese Mochis. [this is not mine.]

My gosh, am I an attention whore.
To be honest, looking back on it now, I acted like a total retard. Pushy, screaming, I swear I was squealing. And my gosh, I even put a shameless plug to this blog on the back of that drawing I gave you! I think I need to get Gibbslapped. A lot D: I'm sorry.

I never really thought myself to be a fangirl. But now I know that I am. Damn.
Also, I was the retard that kept running out of your show when FullMetal Fantasy was on cos Louisa was lost and I was freaking out cos she wasn't seeing this. It was awesome by the way, and even my Dad and my cousin liked it, even though they have never seen FMA before.

To me, I suppose, anime and manga is a bit of a getaway, escape and probably the only thing I obsess about apart from Bones, NCIS and Halo.
It's more than a distraction and recreational reading. It's basically a happy place for me from all the bad stuff that's been happening, whether it be that stupid assignment for R.S. ['design your dream wedding and give reasons behind everything' -i don't want to get married for some weird reason D:] or just the stress of having an Autistic sister.
It got me through intermediate and the first part of college. I knew that if anything was wrong, then I'd go to anime and think, "Ed did his best fighting Scar, so why can't you get through this exam? Ed'd think it was a piece of cake." It basically is like a world where you can dive in, possibly even for hours at a time and just not worry and enjoy it. And really, I enjoy every moment I spend in the manga/anime world.

I'm rambling a bit aren't I?
Now, I'd like to thank you for coming to NZ. To be honest, New Zealand is one of the first countries to get the sun, but one of the last developed countries to get everything. Or maybe it is just me? I'm not exactly a patient person.
To the under 1% of the nation, around 40, 000 of us, that like anime, I would guess, this was huge. To the 10, 000 [?] of us that like FMA, this was like 5 Xmases coming together. To the 2, 000 [?] of us that could come to Armageddon and see you, this was 10 Xmases put together. And the 200 of us that could sit with you in that room watching FullMetal Fantasy? A lifetime of Xmases all smooshed into one.
I can count on one hand all the famous people I've met [I think] and half of them don't really count. You're the first international star I've met, and I suppose meeting you is like you meeting, say, William Shatner.

To be honest, awesomeness must attract awesomeness because you happen to end up voicing a character on all my favourite animes: Naruto, TRC, Bleach, FMA, Ouran, Hetalia. And I liked them before I even knew you existed [no offence or anything...]. Apart from Hetalia, which I got into this year and now it has become my favourite anime [not manga though, FMA and Fairy Tail are my favourite shounen, Ouran and Gakuen Alice are my favourite Shojo].

Sorry, I'm going off topic. I'd like to thank you for being here. We all really appreciate it. I found out later that you were sick, yet you're still able to do the show and sign autographs and be able to put up with crazy, hyperventilating, speed-talking-at-high-pitches fangirls [i.e. me]. I really do thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for doing this extra day when you should be in your hotel room/back in the US getting some well needed shut-eye.

I would love it if you could come back to Auckland later on, and this time, me and Louisa will be in full blown Hetalia outfits. She'll be there with her pipe and scarf [and bad wig and really tall shoes] as Russia and I'll drag out my old Chinese dress, talk in a really bad Chinese accent and say 'aru' [til someone threatens to kill me because of its annoyingness] at the end of every sentence. And, if me, or Louisa, or any other Hetalia fan is brave enough, we'll lead a 'Marukaite Chikyuu' in every language released in full... Oh yes.

Thank you again.


Sylvia [this name I use on the internet so that I can have a one up on (probably non-existant) stalkers]

And Louisa.

P.S. Louisa was sitting next to you for the first 2 episodes of Brotherhood. She was really stoked.
She said [exact words] "No i didnt talk to him, but i considered offering him a chip but didn't because that would be kinda creepy D:"

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