Monday, December 14, 2009

Sylvia's Holiday, prt 2

Listening to: Broken Strings by James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado
Reading: Along in the Shadow by Blueten
[Teen Titans fanfic]. It's awesome. Read it. *points*
Also MiXiM chapter 67 on Onemanga.

Hello my followers [of the blog, not of me] today I will tell you what I have been doing.

So... Saturday [12]. Um I went to my Grandma's house for piano. Did more drawing for Fairytale. At the rate I am going I will never finish it. >=(

Fireflies-Owl City [come on people, sing along "I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly..."]

Ok, no, acutally I'm listening to Florence and the Machine-You've got the Love [interesting]

I also unattatched the curtains from the curtain rails in their window seat [which is huge]. I must tell you, if you ever unattatch curtains from curtain rails have:

A: Long nails

B: Nail clippers

C: Handsanitiser

Nails for getting the damn curtain hooks out of their damn curtain hooker-onto-thingies.

Nail clippers for cutting your nails after completing the jobs, as they probably will be filthy

Handsanitiser, for cleaning your filthy hands, after you've finished also [and probably the nail clipper as well, if you're anything like Emma from Glee]


Oh yah, and we stayed there for lunch.

Convo [short for conversation for future reference] regarding it:

Me: *hear's Mum's car with Mum, Granny and Aunty and sister in it, returning from sister's tutor*

Me: *packs stuff away*

[Beautiful, Dirty, Rich-Lady Gaga]

Me: "Bye Aunty _____ [who's looking after me]. Thanks for everything [etc. etc.]

Mum: *walks in* Oh hi Sylv, we're staying for lunch as well"

Me: *glares* Fine.

*unpacks stuff*

We actually managed to stay for another 3 hours. So yeah, around 5 hours spent altogether at their house, although most of the time I wasn't practicing, cos I brought my laptop [I'd like to say that I hacked into one of the 7ish wireless internets nearby, but no, I know unfortunately, I'd feel horribly guilty etc. so I didn't. Yes, I am a wimp. And proud to be. Ok, maybe not. I take it back...]

Telephone-Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce


Had lunch with sister's tutor and family. We're on quite good terms with her [the tutor], mostly cos she thinks that my sister is the most adorablest thing, also she [the tutor] is so nice, like, you can't be angry around her. She's like Alice Angel from the Charlie Bone series really. I once had a dream about her. It was weird cos we were in the ruins of Spain or something, and she was showing her family's ancestors to me and it was really creepy. Also the whole idea of her being possibly Spanish is weird cos:
A: She's not Spanish.
B: She thinks she was from China in another life, which is quite cool actually. Don't laugh! I think I was from Europe in another life cos half the time, I don't really feel very Asian at all. Maybe that's because I can't talk or write my own language anyway...

Who Says by John Mayer, my new favourite song. It's addictive and very honest.
Makes you feel good. I mean, it's never going to be a massive hit with the dance clubs [ever] but I like it anyway.

Moving on, the lunch was awkward. Cos I don't really know the family that way. To be unsocialable at an awkward lunch, you do these things:

a) Only talk to your Mum mostly
b) Try to avoid eye contact with the people sitting next to you.
c) Try to look after your sister so much that people might think you don't want to be here
d) Not laugh when everyone else is
e) Not really listen to the conversations [relates to d)]
f) Look kind of lost and blank
g) Not really eat oh so much, which you usually don't do [i.e. you eat loads usually xD]

And you betcha, I did all those things. Sylvia you unsocialble pig.

Side note, if you want to insult a person, and not really have a brilliant comment down your sleve [don't we all have those moments?], say "Oh you ___________ pig." Got that one from Maximum Ride. Ideas can include:

-Sexist Pig
-Unsociable Pig
-Feminist Pig
-Dumb Pig
-Nerd Pig
-Fat Pig
-Otaku [or OTT] Pig (Otaku meaning someone overly obsession with something. Like ALWAYS playing on their PSP etc.)
-Anorexic Pig
-Bossy Pig
-Rude Pig

and my personal favourite
Spider Pig. Not that I know what that means. Not for overuse. Don't get any ideas Angel.

My Life Would Suck Without You-Kelly Clarkson
Glee midseason finale FTW WEMMA!!!!!!

Today, being Monday 14th

Shopping with Mum, returning Dad's too-large slippers.
Among other things

Oh yes, if you did not know by my MSN tagline, I have reserved Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare.
84th on the list for City of Ashes
92nd for VA.


I almost want to reserve Twilight and see what number on the holding list will be.

Alright, when I do, or if I do, does anyone want to take bets on what number I will be?
The closest to it will get a useless picture from Artrage from yours truly, presumably a cartoonised Sylvia-ised version of themselves. Although if Angel or Livi gets it, then maybe something different, like a one-panel comic concerning them, as they already have been Sylvia-ised. [Remember Livi? "Livi's Rock Band" and "Walter *kick* does *kick* not *kick* say *kick* vampires *kick* are *kick* real *kick kick*"]

I will stop now, since it seems my computer is playing up. *grumbles random words*


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