Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Is Sylvia?

This be my very bad picture of Sylvia weighed down by loads of her cousin's shopping bags on Artrage. I will upload the full photo later (I haven't finished it yet).

Sorry, had to get that out. Today I will give you a brief background on who Sylvia is, and how she fits into my life, or well, my world. And yes, my name is not really Sylvia. But feel free to call me that, I'm used to it. [and no my last name is not Crystal-Jones, but that is an awesome last name, isn't it?] If you don't get it, DON'T WORRY and READ THIS POST AGAIN.

To first understand who Sylvia is, you must go back to 2001, where Angel [Yasmin] and her sister who we will call Alora, for privacy issues...
This is when I was around about 5/6/7ish, I can't remember and can't be bummed doing the maths. It's holidays after all. Now where was I....
Oh right 2001. We created a world/tv programmish thingy called Glitter Packs [I was 5/6/7 ish ok?! You think of random names at that age! Like Fluffybunny pants and Tallulahbellianus Rock. Ok I just made those up but you get the point!]. Glitter Packs, or G.P. as we called it was a mix between Neopets and Pokemon. Yes, you heard me right.

Glitter Packs was about [this is explaining it without all the complicated crap that came in the more recent years] 3 girls, Angel, Sylvia and Roxy (which has since changed to Roxxi, like the Bratz doll [yes we will probably get sued...]) who find these charm thingys and find they are transported to Glitter Packs World, which is basically a world without pollution and all the baddish stuff. People 'capture' and look after pets [read: MAGICAL ANIMALS] and battle against each other and the so such. The 3 girls find that they are 'Glitter Pack Mortals', people from Earth that do battle with the evil forces from the other side of the GP world, the evil side [duh...], in this case the evil Sorceress and her minions. So, with their pets, they fight and win (of course).
Skip a year and there are many changes in the G.P. world. like a glitter pack school and many more changes are happening like a new enemy [the Jade Dragon] and my cousin, who's identity will be kept secret has joined the 3 girls as her alter ego Annalese.

Now you may think WTF Sylvia yes there is that character called Sylvia there and we know that it is you, but why are you telling us this random story? But wait, there's more: [cookies to the person who tells me who said the quote hints: 1) its a female celebrity from where we live 2) She has won Dancing with the Stars [I think] 3) She has a 'natural glow'. Now, you people get it [heh heh]?]
Alright in 2007 ish, at school, we had to make a comic character. Yes, all my stories were really complicated and just couldn't fit into the simplicity of a one panel comic. So I had to make a new one. Ish.
Glitter Packs was my first idea for the comic, but then decided that was also too complicated. Being self-centred and vain [jokes], I decided that I would make the character Sylvia, like the GP Sylvia, but more like me, than my younger me [you kinda getting me? No? So basically GP Sylvia is based on younger me, and the Sylvia of now, in the comic is the me of now].Basically, I gave Sylvia a new hairdo [the G.P has long silky pigtails, the comic has messy short flicky thick hair, like my hairstyle when I made her up] and her clothes were more simple, to fit into the simplicity of the comic, to make her easier to draw. Her symbol, like Superman with his 'S', is an orange flower, or just a flower, which will be in her attire somewhere. Why? Because Sylvia of GP's charm was an orange flower. And I like Orange Flowers, they're pretty.

The difference between their personalities is that GP Sylvia is shy and reserved, doesn't say a lot and doesn't like to look smart [mind you, I don't either. If you say to me "But Your SMART!!! You Know Everything!!!" I will be like, "No I'm Not..."]. She is more styley but has a lot of clothes that covers her up. Sylvia of the comic however, is more rebellious and says things honestly and bluntly. She tells it as she sees it, which sometimes is not the best thing.She goes her own way and doesn't let people's opinions swing her. She tries to be unique, but wears simple clothes, like a t-shirt and jeans. I named the comic Sylvia's World, which would've been the title of the this blog, had it not been the title of an ongoing story about Sims and not a rip off [hadn't realised it was] of a series I used to read [and have now finished] called Ally's World by Karen McCombie. Sylvia's World, is basically small snippets of my life, exaggerated and through my eyes, which isn't actually always right. I've included everyone in my life, made up some new people and renamed everyone. E.G. there was this girl called Alex that wanted to be called Fred in the comic. I haven't included her in it yet but I will, oh yes I will.

I've even made up a game with my dreams/*hem* fantasies that would be weird but somehow awesome like me and Ali kicking butt against roves of zombie Disney fangirls *cough cough*. Ok, I've just kinda given a summary of each level, but it includes majority of dreams from last year [yes. even the CSI:NY dream and that Warehouse dream from when I was 8...] I'll prolly give a description of each level, then a description of the actual dream. But that may come later on.
So that is the shortish history of Sylvia.
I'd like to say happy birthday to my cousin and his Dad whose birthdays are on the 30th and yesterday respectably. I'd also like to say hi and "I MISS YOU!!" to my friend who has been in Perth for now a year yesterday. You know who you are *wink wink*

Til later,

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