Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fridayness Randomness

Or Thursdayness to some to but to us, its Friday. Because it is Friday. Just bear with us, ok?

And since it is Friday, homework is on hold, and lots of articles will be put up. Remember that.

Now, some randomness I looked over this week.

That Powerpoint is REALLY spelt PowerPoint.

That for some reason, when writing the rules blog, the writing changed from Trebuchet to Lucida Grande. Weird.

That I can't finish an essay in two afternoons. Sad sad sad.

That xxxholic hasn't been realised for a month [a manga by CLAMP, the people who did Cardcaptor Sakura, which we used to watch at 3.30 in the afternoons, sigh. Good times, good times] and yes, I
have read the latest chapter that was realised today.

That the Europeans in the 1800's at Parihaka were stupid and were so infuriating for raiding that settlement that I want to go back in time with a machine gun [although I won't use it, of course] and slap the guy who went through with the Riot [aka the we're allowed to raid your land and steal it cos we need it to keep empty promises] Act. Sorry, learnt about it in Social Studies. And I'm running out of things to write.

That my clothes from yesterday are still on the floor. Stupid Sylvia.

That it is 11 days til the realease of Paramore's Album Brand New Eyes. [AWESOME!!!] [copyright Paramore]

That my friend doesn't like Paramore cos Hayley William's hairstyle is scary. [Well that wasn't the only thing, just the only thing we can remember]

Drawing non-detailed, non-shaded, toned etc. Wheatfields are really easy. Draw three curvy lines. There's your wheatfield.

That the tallest man in the world is 2.47 m and he has to walk with crutches. That must suck.

Alrighty, onto the BOOKS I HAVE READ THIS WEEK (copyrighted to the correct people)

Darkwood by M.E. Breen. Its good, highly recomend it.
Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox. I haven't go through the first 50 out of 434 pages yet. Its too early to say.

I may/may not be uploading some Sylvia comics later on that I have redrawn from paper to artrage. Not sure. (Artrage copyrighted to the Artrage people).



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