Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sorry, being bored does that to a person.

Oh and I just found out how to change the time of your blog posts... there is post options next to the 'Labels for this post' click on it and you can change it... heh heh....

As I said in my previous post, I have made up [READ: WRITTEN ON PAPER] the summary of a PS2 Sylvia's World Game [thats the name of the comic that this Sylvia was in that I created. *sigh* read the previous post...]. I've called it Dreamscape, after that American Dragon: Jake Long episode waaaaaay back in what? 2007ish?

Basically what happens is when Sylvia falls asleep, she gets trapped in a dream corridor by Mystery Girl, who is a mystery [duh...]. Sylvia needs to get through 30 of her dreams so that she can defeat Mystery Girl and get out of her mind and imagination.

I am going to do crappy pictures for each blog, on Artrage, as usual.

I'll give you a brief summary of the level and then, if the dream was not me making stuff up, explain what it really was about.

The Blurb First: Sylvia's Back! And better than ever! [well thats what they put on game blurbs]
Sylvia's been sucked into her Dreamworld by her corrupted concience Mystery girl [oh I did put what she is...]. Now play as Sylvia and battle through 30 of her Sylvia's dreams and confront Mystery girl in the centre of her Dreams to wake Sylvia up again!

Dream 1/Level 1: The Warehouse Dream

Rescue the poor junior kids from the evil senior kids as you learn the basic controls of Dreamscape. Play as Young Sylvia as you run around the Wareouse on your school trip and hope the teacher doesn't notice.

[extended Summary]

In Dream Level 1, play as Young Sylvia as her and her young classmates go by the their big yellow bus to the Warehouse. Sylvia's slightly puzzled, I mean, who takes a trip to the Warehouse of all freaking places?! It's really stupid I know...
Moving on, Sylvia finds something weird going on, as all her friends are ignoring her and there is loud chanting from around the toy aisle, looking down, it seems the seniors [ok 10 and 11 olds] have kidnapped some juniors! [5 and 6 year olds] They have tied them to the aisle wall and a fire has been lit! [Ok maybe some lava lamps] Sylvia ventures in to try and save them, but fails, and grabs the attention of the Seniors who have now called her a traitor and are now chasing her around the Warehouse. Basically, you learn how to control Sylvia and get your first dream weapon, which wipes people from your dream until you dream the dream again.

The Background [names have been slightly changed]:
I had this dream when I was 8ish. I was in Miss W's class at my old school [she's still there, it seems] and everyone in my class rode in a bright yellow bus that is stereotyped on American shows up a steep driveway on a hill to go to the Warehouse. As a school trip. I don't remember there being any checkouts, but that's not important. There were book bins at the front, aisles at the back. I passed 2 of my friends, who were fawning over a Lil' Bratz doll [Sasha I think, I hadn't got her yet]. I tried to talk to them. They didn't listen to me, or could listen to me. I think it foretold something, as weird as it sounds. One of the girls later kind of drifted away from me and we have this kind of mutual friendship and the other girl shifted to Perth last year, so it was like they were drifting away from me.
On we go, and I go down the toy aisle and my buddy, along with 2 other younger students are tied up with all these people crowding around them and laughing at them. [At this point I seem to remember that Louisa, girl from old school [remember: NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED SLIGHTLY] picking up a play-doh thingy and saying "Hey I know this one! It's Tallulahbell!". I believe, in the early days, Louisa sometimes said that her middle, along with my name being her middle as well [true story, she's right] that her middle name was Tallulahbell. Yes Monique, you heard right [and feel free to laugh and have a spazz fit, cos I did to when I remembered]. Moving, I managed to get shoved to the back of the aisle with all these coat hangers... and pants [read: trousers]. IDK its kinda weird...

At the time, I think I thought it was a nightmare, looking back on it, it was seriously wtfness, but not scary.

Yeah, that's kinda it for this level/dream,


Who Is Sylvia?

This be my very bad picture of Sylvia weighed down by loads of her cousin's shopping bags on Artrage. I will upload the full photo later (I haven't finished it yet).

Sorry, had to get that out. Today I will give you a brief background on who Sylvia is, and how she fits into my life, or well, my world. And yes, my name is not really Sylvia. But feel free to call me that, I'm used to it. [and no my last name is not Crystal-Jones, but that is an awesome last name, isn't it?] If you don't get it, DON'T WORRY and READ THIS POST AGAIN.

To first understand who Sylvia is, you must go back to 2001, where Angel [Yasmin] and her sister who we will call Alora, for privacy issues...
This is when I was around about 5/6/7ish, I can't remember and can't be bummed doing the maths. It's holidays after all. Now where was I....
Oh right 2001. We created a world/tv programmish thingy called Glitter Packs [I was 5/6/7 ish ok?! You think of random names at that age! Like Fluffybunny pants and Tallulahbellianus Rock. Ok I just made those up but you get the point!]. Glitter Packs, or G.P. as we called it was a mix between Neopets and Pokemon. Yes, you heard me right.

Glitter Packs was about [this is explaining it without all the complicated crap that came in the more recent years] 3 girls, Angel, Sylvia and Roxy (which has since changed to Roxxi, like the Bratz doll [yes we will probably get sued...]) who find these charm thingys and find they are transported to Glitter Packs World, which is basically a world without pollution and all the baddish stuff. People 'capture' and look after pets [read: MAGICAL ANIMALS] and battle against each other and the so such. The 3 girls find that they are 'Glitter Pack Mortals', people from Earth that do battle with the evil forces from the other side of the GP world, the evil side [duh...], in this case the evil Sorceress and her minions. So, with their pets, they fight and win (of course).
Skip a year and there are many changes in the G.P. world. like a glitter pack school and many more changes are happening like a new enemy [the Jade Dragon] and my cousin, who's identity will be kept secret has joined the 3 girls as her alter ego Annalese.

Now you may think WTF Sylvia yes there is that character called Sylvia there and we know that it is you, but why are you telling us this random story? But wait, there's more: [cookies to the person who tells me who said the quote hints: 1) its a female celebrity from where we live 2) She has won Dancing with the Stars [I think] 3) She has a 'natural glow'. Now, you people get it [heh heh]?]
Alright in 2007 ish, at school, we had to make a comic character. Yes, all my stories were really complicated and just couldn't fit into the simplicity of a one panel comic. So I had to make a new one. Ish.
Glitter Packs was my first idea for the comic, but then decided that was also too complicated. Being self-centred and vain [jokes], I decided that I would make the character Sylvia, like the GP Sylvia, but more like me, than my younger me [you kinda getting me? No? So basically GP Sylvia is based on younger me, and the Sylvia of now, in the comic is the me of now].Basically, I gave Sylvia a new hairdo [the G.P has long silky pigtails, the comic has messy short flicky thick hair, like my hairstyle when I made her up] and her clothes were more simple, to fit into the simplicity of the comic, to make her easier to draw. Her symbol, like Superman with his 'S', is an orange flower, or just a flower, which will be in her attire somewhere. Why? Because Sylvia of GP's charm was an orange flower. And I like Orange Flowers, they're pretty.

The difference between their personalities is that GP Sylvia is shy and reserved, doesn't say a lot and doesn't like to look smart [mind you, I don't either. If you say to me "But Your SMART!!! You Know Everything!!!" I will be like, "No I'm Not..."]. She is more styley but has a lot of clothes that covers her up. Sylvia of the comic however, is more rebellious and says things honestly and bluntly. She tells it as she sees it, which sometimes is not the best thing.She goes her own way and doesn't let people's opinions swing her. She tries to be unique, but wears simple clothes, like a t-shirt and jeans. I named the comic Sylvia's World, which would've been the title of the this blog, had it not been the title of an ongoing story about Sims and not a rip off [hadn't realised it was] of a series I used to read [and have now finished] called Ally's World by Karen McCombie. Sylvia's World, is basically small snippets of my life, exaggerated and through my eyes, which isn't actually always right. I've included everyone in my life, made up some new people and renamed everyone. E.G. there was this girl called Alex that wanted to be called Fred in the comic. I haven't included her in it yet but I will, oh yes I will.

I've even made up a game with my dreams/*hem* fantasies that would be weird but somehow awesome like me and Ali kicking butt against roves of zombie Disney fangirls *cough cough*. Ok, I've just kinda given a summary of each level, but it includes majority of dreams from last year [yes. even the CSI:NY dream and that Warehouse dream from when I was 8...] I'll prolly give a description of each level, then a description of the actual dream. But that may come later on.
So that is the shortish history of Sylvia.
I'd like to say happy birthday to my cousin and his Dad whose birthdays are on the 30th and yesterday respectably. I'd also like to say hi and "I MISS YOU!!" to my friend who has been in Perth for now a year yesterday. You know who you are *wink wink*

Til later,

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fridayness Randomness No.2

I still think that I will fail all 4 tests I had this week. It sucks.

Another thing that sucks is Livi leaving the blog!!! [ahhhh we will miss you Livi!!]
She's off to migrate to her own [as she has said below]
Just to keep it remebered, here is the link again:

I have an obsession of clicking on Angel's Squibys. I do it everyday.
If you don't know what Squiby is, basically, you adopt 'eggs' and people 'feed' them by clicking on them so that they can grow.
And I'm not sure why but it is oddly addictive [although it is exciting when they change, like today 2 changed OMG soooo cool heh heh gonna stop that now].
You want to go OC on Angel's Squibys click here:

Also a link to Spiffy's Blog [another classmate]:

And Angel has forced a Meme on me that I will do at a later time, so expect that coming up.

Til later,


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sylvia's Christmas list

I said I'd be doing one. Why am I doing it when it is only September?
Well, my family is one of those families who buys everything in the September sales... thats why...

And yes, I will get to my random dreams eventually [last night I had one about Transformers and me and my cousin (not Angel) riding Unicycles that were really Transformers.]

Alrighty onto the list:

The stuff I will probably be getting:

- Money/Vouchers so that I can buy my own presents[I never do, Mum just takes it...]
- I-Tunes Gift vouchers
- Some form of clothing
- Probably a Littlest Pet Shop [addiction to the cuteness, don't judge me] from Mum who has no idea what to get me...
- Some Bratz doll etc. from people who don't know I gave up on them last year [I couldn't find Sasha...] or the year before [I forgot, it's so long ago...]
- Some stationery set of some kind [All in doubt, get me stationery. Aunties I hardly know do that to you.]

Now then, some things I REALLY want:
- My own PS3 with Singstar/PS2 with singstar/XBOX 360 with the Avatar game etc. [hah you thought I would say Lips.... bummed out]
- My own PSP with Bleach games/Spyro Games etc.
- A gold I-phone
- A Macbook Air [better laptop then the one I have...]
- The stereo hoodie [look it up: It is cool]
- A segway
- A Hover craft
- A widescreen fold out tv/bed/game system
- Dance Dance Revolution -with manga characters and arcade style game mat and songs from this side of the century that has ACTUALLY BEEN ON THE RADIO and not in another language (on second thought no. Thats just weird)
- Homework to be banned
- All the manga volumes of all the manga that I have read and liked, special editions and all the manga and volumes that will come in the distant future [xD]
-Those awesome Dolce and Gabbana glasses that Olivia showed me
-For Sparklife's Dan Bergeinstein (sp?) to finish blogging about the whole of the Twilight Saga and getting it turned into a book [which is pure win]

Some things that are actully plausible for me to get:

-Brand New Eyes: latest Paramore CD
-Percy Jackson and the last Olympian
-City of Secrets by Mary Hoffman

Well, thats it for the mo, might add some more.

Til later,


Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Post

Well, I'm pretty sure this will be my last post on as I have now made my own blog. (Yeah, I know, figures).
I know you'll miss me, but come check out my blog sometime!


I should really be doing homework but....

I am bored. Bored bored bored. And with only one week to go...
Which means I can blog every day!! Yays!!

Why am I writing [apart from the fact that I am bored]?

This is more for myself, but here is a list of posts I am meant to do [hey, think of post titles for me, kay?]

Posts about my dreams [sometimes waaaay to vivid]

[These are waaaay too weird. I have a twisted and very vivid imagination.]

-The one I had last night [with the random witch lady that looked like that geek from Mahou Sensei Negima, that Dora the Explorer game, doing a neligan dance with bob and alana in front of cochrane in a wrestling ring [wtf, yes i know carena...] and Daniel Carter hating me. Don't know him? Well look him up. I bet Wikipedia has a good 3 pages on him...]

-The Maximum Ride Dream [pure awesomeness and Fang and Naomi Watts at the swimming pool [the girl who played Anne in King Kong] and code books and reading books about touch rugby with angel]

-The CSI:NY dream. With that guy from Heroes. Who plays West. Which looks like the guy who plays Clark Kent in Smallville.

Among other dreams.

-A list of stuff I want for Xmas [including Dan Bergeinstein finishing Blogging the Twilight Saga and it getting turned into a book

-A review of the latest Bleach Arch in Anime. Which is awesome even though it isn't in the manga [yays]

-A post with all my Sylvia comics

-A post announcing that I have Brand New Eyes [when it comes]

-A post announcing that the latest Kiki Strike Book comes out[ditto]

-A post ranting on Homework

Oh and this post is also a time to put this in:

tis be Leaflower's aka Rachel's site.

And now our sister site.

ha. bet you Livi. Nah, joking =) [I am seriously smiling right now, not just emoticon smiling].


Friday, September 18, 2009

Sylvia's comic sneak peek

I asked Angel to do a panel, cos I've got HW to do and not much time to do anything else (I'm not a miracle worker) and here is the result.
This is one panel out of 3 [took her 40 mins to do]:

I'm not sure which program she did this on.
[she now will give me an evil glare cos I put this up...XD]
I might be able to put one single panel comic up by the end of the weekend. Not sure (i'm not as good as her, so good old Artrage will do it).
Until then,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fridayness Randomness

Or Thursdayness to some to but to us, its Friday. Because it is Friday. Just bear with us, ok?

And since it is Friday, homework is on hold, and lots of articles will be put up. Remember that.

Now, some randomness I looked over this week.

That Powerpoint is REALLY spelt PowerPoint.

That for some reason, when writing the rules blog, the writing changed from Trebuchet to Lucida Grande. Weird.

That I can't finish an essay in two afternoons. Sad sad sad.

That xxxholic hasn't been realised for a month [a manga by CLAMP, the people who did Cardcaptor Sakura, which we used to watch at 3.30 in the afternoons, sigh. Good times, good times] and yes, I
have read the latest chapter that was realised today.

That the Europeans in the 1800's at Parihaka were stupid and were so infuriating for raiding that settlement that I want to go back in time with a machine gun [although I won't use it, of course] and slap the guy who went through with the Riot [aka the we're allowed to raid your land and steal it cos we need it to keep empty promises] Act. Sorry, learnt about it in Social Studies. And I'm running out of things to write.

That my clothes from yesterday are still on the floor. Stupid Sylvia.

That it is 11 days til the realease of Paramore's Album Brand New Eyes. [AWESOME!!!] [copyright Paramore]

That my friend doesn't like Paramore cos Hayley William's hairstyle is scary. [Well that wasn't the only thing, just the only thing we can remember]

Drawing non-detailed, non-shaded, toned etc. Wheatfields are really easy. Draw three curvy lines. There's your wheatfield.

That the tallest man in the world is 2.47 m and he has to walk with crutches. That must suck.

Alrighty, onto the BOOKS I HAVE READ THIS WEEK (copyrighted to the correct people)

Darkwood by M.E. Breen. Its good, highly recomend it.
Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox. I haven't go through the first 50 out of 434 pages yet. Its too early to say.

I may/may not be uploading some Sylvia comics later on that I have redrawn from paper to artrage. Not sure. (Artrage copyrighted to the Artrage people).



Hey, this is Angel's blog

It's my cousin's blog.

Angelina Hawkes' blog.

Don't know who she is?

Read the rules post.
[she's my cousin]

The Game (Sorry all you 'Game Lovers')

Hello readers,
As it seems Sylvia has pretty much covered 'The Game' subject (and, I won't do the immature thing that Sylvia did by putting in her little brackets 'heh, you lost' everytime it is mentioned) so I'll just write something short about what I think about this particular subject.

Well, I heard about 'The Game' about a year ago, but forgot what it was, so we'll say my memory was refreshed about month or two back. I was in a conversation with a couple of friends on MSN and one of them said "I lost the game". I was a bit confused and thought she was talking about some sort of online game she had been playing, so I ignored it. I then saw every single person in the conversation repeat one after the other "Damn you! Lost the game. :(" I then picked up the courage to ask someone what it meant, and they replied that to play 'The Game' you can never think about it, and if you do, you lose the game. In which case you have to announce to everyone that you have lost the game. Which then sets a round of "DAMN YOU! I LOST THE GAME!"

I started to take part in this particular game once I realised that if you didn't say it, everyone thought you were some weirdo who didn't know what 'The Game' was. But as the days went on and 'The Game' was announced every few minutes, the teachers got more and more sick of hearing it, and actually started to yell at anyone who brought up 'The Game'. Also, I realised that if I took part in this activity, then what was stopping anyone else? There was no reason for anyone else to stop if I didn't. I also found that it was very hard to concentrate in class with constant announcements of 'The Game'. Another point that I found out quite recently is that if someone of a high rank in your class says that they lost 'The Game' and all their little chums follow on with the series of 'I lost The Game' announcements, and YOU say that you lost 'The Game' the high ranker and his or her followers will look at you strange and start to whisper about how you are SUCH a JIer! (For all of you that don't know what JIing is, it is Joining In, in a really annoying way). Also, some people use 'The Game' as an excuse to open their big gobs and make a show, which I find quite annoying.

As it seems Sylvia has used the links that I gave her in class today, so I'll just go over what I found. Even though this is quite obvious, you are ALWAYS playing the game. This sort of hit me and I was like yeah, we actually are playing an eternal game, kind of a scary thought in some way. Again, the obvious that you can never win the game, unless someone (like myself) gives you the picture that you will find at the bottom of this post. The announcing that you lost the game is also quite obvious, although it can sometimes be tough while sitting in an exam in complete silence (and yes, I have thought of the game in an exam, it was quite tough for me not to yell it into the silence). As soon as you mention it to someone, they get included in 'The Game'. Also, the obvious aim of 'The Game' is to get the whole world playing, well good luck to those of you dedicated to doing that sole thing! Now, for something I DIDN'T know. Apparently, for the first thirty minutes after you last lost 'The Game' you can think about 'The Game' all you want and it won't effect you! I was quite amazed and confused by this as I thought that 'The Game' would apply to anywhere, any time.

Well, that's it for my big rant on 'The Game'.

I was meant to post this immediately after Sylvia's post on 'The Game' but I will tell you more about that in a different post, thanks for reading! :D



For those of you who don't know the game [you lost], where have you been? The aim of the game [you lost] is to not think of the game [you lost] you are now playing. If you think of this game [you lost], you lose, and must say "I lost the game," [you lost] making everyone else that is currently playing the game in earshot of you to lose the game. You cannot win. [AND YOU JUST LOST. HA.]

And I hate it. I am sorry, but it is a pain in the bum/neck/donkey.

It is annoying as whilst at college, doing your stupid essay secretly in French [where you are meant to be doing your speech, but thats another matter] you hear: "I lost the game" "Drat I lost the game ." "Lost the game" "Darn lost the game AGAIN." Every few minutes. [Heh you lost the game 5 times XD]
It is stupid. If you play it you have just been roped in to Stupidland. Unless you're the person who made it up. Then you are obviously an IMBECILE. Or the person who created bunny ears. No, that still makes you an imbecile. [Don't know what imbecile means? Look it up. I'll give you a hint: In French it means fool. Or thats what Word says]

I am annoyed to the point of inner annoyedness at the Game [hah you just lost].

I mean, it breaks your concentration of just about everything else. Unless you play by the rules of:

[OH NO you just lost again]
Into which you have 1/2 and hour of freedom of no losing until you think of the game again [you lost again BTW]

FYI I don't play. Just cos you are meant to play from when you have heard the words 'THE GAME' [you lose, AGAIN], doesn't mean you have to. This is like a stupid foward message that says you will get covered in Camel Poo unless you send it to 100000000 people. It never happens. And don't use the excuse "YOU HAVE TO COS YOU'VE BEEN EXPOSED TO IT." cos I don't want to. Put it this way, I don't, when I am 80 say, while dozing in my favourite chair, my false teeth being soaked in water, wearing a floral dress and drinking an English Breakfast in my cramped retirement home yelling every few minutes to the workers "Oi lo da gum. Agon." [if you managed to work that out, you lost again.]

So, have I got the point across? Non? Oui?

Well, if not, then you enjoy your 30 minutes of freedom from: 'THE GAME'


Oh, and By the way, you have lost *** **** 23 times. Including the starred out words and the title.

Copyrights to: Both pictures and the blogs on which they we hem 'borrowed' them from. Hope you don't mind guys.

Sylvia. Hating the Game. [hah 24 times]

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello dedicated readers of Life Through Sylvia's Eyes!
It is I, the admin of this blog, just making an introduction for the sake of making an introduction.
As you all probably know, Sylvia is the main post writer for this blog and will try to make posts as much as she can. Although, come term 4 there won't be a lot (thank you exams!)
Feel free to comment and tell your friends about this blog!


Hey, read this, it might save your (social) life

Alrighty, I am Sylvia. Sylvia Crystal-Jones, author in training and of this blog.

I'm sorry but you will have to make do with me ranting and the so such. Expect some repetition and possibly fangirling.

Now some rules:
No spam, flaming, copying. Don't copy anything without permssion from myself or Livi
PG. If we are to do some swearing/R rated stuff in our blogs, we will say.
Now, if we don't give credit to you/copyright, feel free to tell us.
If we offend anyone, and actually mean it, then tell us and we will edit it out.
No hacking. Don't you b----- dare.
Don't be impatient with us. We have lives too.
You won't be able to join our blog if we don't know you. You need some evidence that you know us. Or privately email us (on our actual accounts, no PM or anything)
No criticism, unless constructive. Our blog. Our rules. Our thoughts. GET YOUR OWN.
If you know us and are mentioned and dislike your name that we give you [using made up ones for the sake of privacy], contact us so we can change it.
No viruses. We like our blog just the way it is thanks.
Do not use our real names on this blog. Don't You Dare. Privacy thing. Please do not mention any places regarding us, our schools, where we live (suburb), our family, etc. Use the code that I do.

Now thats over and done with, a bit about me.

I am a college student, but its rude to ask a lady about her age (XD)
I am a female, and so is Livi. Just want to make that clear.
Um... some people I write (not blog) about are not real.
Ummm I live down south.
I like books like Maximum Ride (copyright James Patterson) and Kiki Strike (copyright Kirsten miller) and Larklight (copyright Phillip Reeve) and may be blogging about them
Um... my cousin Angelina Hawkes may be blogging here too, IDK. I have a lot of cousins (ok 6ish)
And don't bother finding stuff about me. I am trying to be as anonymous as possible.
