Thursday, March 17, 2011

To Counter Angel's Absolutely Shit Day

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to post this I should have sooner, I apologise.

I am bypassing the things I should be doing [Vivaldi Assignment, studying for maths, having a shower] and the things I'd half like to do [reading Glee [read: Klaine] fanfiction] I am now going to bust out all possible notreallyawesomeness up my sleeve to cure Angel's Absolutely Shit Day.

But first, to depressing matters [it will get better]:
Yes. I am doing a eulogy. And yes, I did actually pull as much info out of my head as I could. Which wasn't that much. And no, I'm actually not taking the mickey.

R.I.P. Sapphire the Cat.
Date unknown - Friday 18th March

Loved by those of the Hawkes family

Sapphire was, an affectionate, albeit slightly touched in the head cat. And although in the later years, not so much, did end up catching an insect/mouse/bird for her masters, qualifying her as master hunter in cat-terms.
Sapphire had an an amazing sense of memory, or was able to judge people with the skill of a certain Mentalist, as the 3rd time I stayed down in Whakatane, about 4ish years since the last stay, she had absolutely no qualms with me staying in her home, and didn't have the usual 'Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here in my house?' that I usually get.
And yes, amazingly, she believed me to be close enough to the masters to actually start licking my hair once, and I think she did have the good reason behind but, as I wasn't cat, it was odd.

In conclusion, I believe that Sapphire was an amazing, loyal, cat and will be missed greatly by that of the Hawkes household.

Also, if I get a Skitty on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, I'm naming it Sapphire. And you know how serious I get with names for my Pokemon.

Also, some prompts that I just made up in the last x-amount of minutes.

11) Silver:

She was going to hate having her hair turn silver.
She gripped her long dyed-red-brown hair. It wasn't as full as life as it had been 20 years ago, and to be honest, she wished she could back to the teenage years.

They were stressful yes, with exams and assignments and him, but to be honest, compared to now, they were bright times.

Paramore were still together [and Hayley Williams wasn't some 40-year old from some band ages ago trying to make a living].

Anime was still cool. And it was cool to like anime. Now it was just lame, childish and ever since Japan did that huge ban on all anime with what some of the population thought were questionable things [homosexuals/incest/racism etc.] 15 odd years ago, anime just wasn't the same. [she still had that Vampire Knight Season 1 DVD that she watched secretly on her now-ancient DVD player. Who used DVDs anymore anyway?]

The iPod was still cool, and actually was bigger than your pinky.

You could download music illegally without getting caught.

Music actually had normal-sounding voices, not voices so twisted and synthesised that they weren't even human anymore.

The police didn't do round checks of every house monthly to make sure that each family weren't storing up drugs/more alcohol than the limit suggested.

You could still ride your bike on the road without getting run over.

You could talk on cellphones in the car. No one would dob you into the police for doing it, instead just flip you the finger.

People couldn't tell if you were lying [you could thank Microsoft for that revolutionary invention *sarcasm hand*].

And she hadn't told him how much she loved him.

And although he didn't reject her, he just didn't take her seriously. Which hurt.

Yes, brighter times.

She sighed, and picked up the phone for another dye job at the hairdressers. Just in case.

12) Home:

Home was where the heart is. So why hadn't the home he had want him back?

He gave all his happiness, they flipped him the finger.

He gave all his time, they wasted it, stuffing it back in his face.

He gave all his love, they gave him nothing.

Because he was different. Because he didn't love like everyone else.

So he ran away from home. And found a new one.

In him.

13) Apparatus [random word generator gave me 2 good ones and then this one. How the hell am I going to write this?]

Ok, so it was the cliche of all movies; the introverted/city girl couldn't put up a tent. But surely it wasn't that hard?

The instructions looked pretty simple. Put this into that, slot through here etc. etc.

She picked up the bag with said tent and tipped the equipment out.

Pegs, material and some other metal things dropped out. She stared at them. For several seconds.

"What. The. Hell. Where do I start?"

She could practically hear her friends' thoughts, "My God, she's useless."

She walked away, picking up the instructions again.

They could pitch the tent for all she cared. She'll just sleep inside.

She really needed to get out more.

14) Single

Solidarity doesn't really do much for the heart. Or well the mind, since all conscious and unconscious thoughts come from the head, not the heart.

But she gave up on the thought of being in any form of relationship since the age of around 10. She got used to the independent isolation. She didn't like it, per se, but it was how she ran the best.

Or so she told herself.

One would suppose that was why she ran to fiction. They gave her solidity without actually being alone. Her imagination was so rich that she felt like she was feeling the emotions the characters felt, to a certain extent.
She felt the bubbliness of happiness brewing in her stomach when one had felt euphoria, or had been hugged, or something funny happen to them. She felt sympathy and further isolation when a lot of angst happened, which she didn't like, so she stayed away from those stories. And felt like she was a fairy godmother in romances, watching over with a knowing look and a feeling of pride and pleasure when, finally, finally, they'd stopped their dancing around each other.

And even though they didn't happen in real life, she felt that they had steeled herself for the real life to some extent.

And made her less innocent than what most people suspected. Although she didn't read M rated fics. Those would kill her brain and forget laughing at the number 69, she'd end up laughing if anyone brought up any form of numeric.

They also made her knowledgeable on just about every single romantic couple there was in the Hetalia/Bleach/Ouran/Glee/Bones/NCIS/Fairy Tail/othershowsheliked fandoms, real or other wise. And when she'd get up to the Vampire Diaries fandom, she would give Em a run for her money. So yes, she knew more shipping than her whole group of friends put together. But it really wasn't something to boast about.
It was quite sad actually.

Unfortunately, this made her social skills next to nothing. In the past 2 classes she'd been in, she was thought to be the 'cold-somewhat-sarcastic-brainyish-loner-that-was-somehow-still-nice-but-socially-awkward-and-short-that-made-her-cute'. Which although that didn't bother her, did put her up for some hugs or 'naaaaws' that she didn't really deserve. But the hugs were nice. Of course, by the time she would get over the shock of 'this-person-is-hugging-me-wtf', and think about returning it, they'd've let go by them. But she digressed.
She should hug people more often. Or people should give her a reason to hug them more often. Spontaneous hugs were weird and out of character for her. She wasn't Evelyn, for God's sake.

Although she always thought that if she didn't have her sister, she would've ended up like her.

Right. Single. Well to be honest, if she said she wouldn't care about being lonely for the rest of her, then she'd be lying. She didn't care about being in a relationship. But she was scared of being alone. A social outcast. She craved attention, it was Jones trait. Ok, she needed her time alone, it tired her being with people constantly, but she also needed people to actually come and check up on her on those times. It made her feel like they hadn't forgotten her. Which sometimes they did. She was quiet, so sank into the shadows quite often, a female Matthew Williams, Canada, if you will.

This introspection and writing about yourself in 3rd person was weird. She needed to stop.

I hope this made you feel better Yas =D

Also, if it makes your day, I'm thinking of writing a song about the frustrations of UST [unresolved sexual tension] in television that is so frustrating that it even makes me, yes, me, Sylvia Crystal-Jones [almost] scream, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT GUYS YOUR UST IS CHOKING ME, YOUR FLUFFY CUTENESS IS GIVING ME CAVITIES AND YOUR OBLIVIOUSNESS ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS ARE MAKING ME BANG MY HEAD AGAINST A WALL. GO FIND A ROOM AND MAKE THE FUCK OUT."

But of course I would never do that, that would shatter my innocent reputation.

And if I made you spit out your dried cereal/water onto your computer, my job is done.

BTW, 'flipping him/her the finger' is totes my new phrase to put in my writing. Thanks Glee =D



  1. Copypasta from fb, in case you dont see it:

    That blog post MADE MY DAY 8D
    You, my friend, are DESTINED to be a writer! I read once in complete awe, smiled, then scrolled back up the page so I could read it again. Your stories are made of pure WIN, and not just because I can relate to them :)
    And you get the "short=cute" thing too? GOD, FINALLY someone I can relate too *hugs*.
    Hec. Write a book. I'd be the first one to buy it, and read it 1000000000 times over, then I'd get my friends hooked, the the whole of Whakatane and so on.
    Your writing style intrigues me to my full extent. Love. It.

  2. And yes, I did spit my drink out over the keyboard then headdesked in laughter (good thing)
