Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kami-sama, Pthinean, WHOEVER YOU ARE, I'm screwed

It's sad.

Oh yah, pthinean (sing.) and pthinea (plu.) is my way of saying 'God' without actually saying 'God'.

Yes I am weird.

I have lots of stuff to do.
Stuff for me to freak out about:

-I have to point out features on a picture
-Create a Map
-Do 3 Longish paragraphs on The cultural and natural affects of mining on a township and solutions
-Table on the problems and solutions relating to mining near a township
-Graphs from a survey that gave me a mental breakdown.

I've finished the table and the graphs, started the picture.

The test that is to do with this is also tomorrow.

I have a PERFORMANCE in around 3 HOURS. I have to play 3 SONGS not 1 song. Not one really long song, but 3 SONGS.

French test on Les Celebrations on Monday next week

My French Unit test is on the Thursday next week.

My Injection is on the EXACT SAME DAY.

My Birthday is somewhere in the midst of that all.

My piano exam is on JUNE 2

My English Research Speech is due on 8 June. I haven't started writing it.

I have just finished the report that goes with the speech. My hand fell off with the amount of words I had to write.

I have rock band that is on the rocks.

I have Chinese lessons with younger children on Saturdays

And I have Chiropracter every week. Which is basically some person poping my bones into the right places. Yes that is quite painful.

So yeah.

That felt good.

Shout out to Karin, Mariko and Hannah (Hanna? IDK how to spell her name) who I'm listening to play their trio right now.


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