Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Spiffy!!


*throws confetti*

Just some random stuff now...

-My Dad was whistling Bad Romance yesterday. Know, since most of you don't know Dad, I will say that he likes shooting (the sport and the type of games), serious, I have never heard him sing, doesn't like Lily Allen's or Beyonce's music that much, likes Brian Adam's music a lot (I grew up on it, know loads of songs nearly off by heart) and when he hears a song, doesn't even tap a foot, maybe a finger.

So when I heard him whistling Bad Romance yesterday, I just about had a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, I love him a lot, but I nearly had a heart attack because of this OOCness. This is like me randomly doing the can-can at a Paramore. It doesn't happen. Ok, that was a bit OTT but still I hope he never reads this. And if he is, I still love him but yes, feel free to shoot me. And also, can we continue doing Halo co-op that we started on Saturday? Cos that was fun, even though I killed you accidently a few times. Heh Heh heh.


I deserved that I think.


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