Sunday, April 25, 2010

I just drew an awesome picture

I haven't for a while. I really pleased with it. Alright so you know I have my Sylvia comic, and for those who don't know, I have planned out a PS2 game based on my dreams. Well this is from one of the levels (although it wasn't a dream) and its like me and my friend's friends kicking ass against Disney fangirls. Because they would so do that. Just threw in Edward Elric cos I wanted to.

Damn, it looks crap on here.

If you want, if your really desperate to see it, I'll email the scan to you, or I can just show you if you ever come to my house (prolly only Alisha/Ruth and Angel/Yas)
Since I'm cool like that, I'm going to name and shame Alisha's friends that I put in here. I just don't think my friends from my old school would whip out guns and start shooting screaming fan- no actually they would. THIS CALLS FOR A SEQUEL!!!
Also would like to make a sequel for the people at my college. Can just picture a certain person sitting next to me whipping out a shotgun and shooting them. Yeah, you know who you are...
So L to R:
Michael, welding Elite swords from Halo
Alisha-chan, welding some basic guns
Brody, welding some sort of machine gun, called something like Akimbos 75 or something, I got it off Heli Attack 3.
EDWARD EFFING ELRIC BITCHES!! No, I am not friends with him. I so wish I was.
Naomi, welding a laser launcher, just a rocket laucher that fires huge laser bursts.
Cecelia, welding Rail Guns. I love Rail Guns. Shit, I think spelt her name wrong.
Luis, welding a folded up nunchuk a la Ikkaku Madarame from Bleach. I don't know if you like AC DC but I needed product placement somewhere, and there was an ad for the Iron Man 2 soundtrack with AC DC on, hence the blurry logo.
The belts look the same... so does the shoes. I really wanted to but someone in 6 inch boots with chains but I couldn't be bothered.

BTW, apart from Edward Elric, none of the boys look like they really are in real life. Apart from maybe Luis. IDK.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Holidays Are About to End

Which means I am about to die. Not literally of course.

But I think my mind will die. NOOOO!!!!

I can't be bothered writing long blogs, so you'll have to put up with short ones for the moment sorry :(

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just watched the 100th episode of Bones

There has not been...

A book
A manga
A song
A movie
A TV programme

that has EVER made me want me to cry.

Except this episode. I was surprised to even want to cry, let alone cry, even though it was for (really around) 7 seconds. That is saying something.

I was so glad it was Bones.

It was brilliant. Sad, emotional, epic.

I won't tell you anymore because I want you to watch Bones :D or at least that episode, but you won't get anything.

On another note, I just watched Alice in Wonderland in 3D. That was also epic, just in another way.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quick Note for Angel

Change your deviantart password.

I was on deviantart randomly.
I said to myself, "Hey, since Angel used that password for TinierMe, I wonder if she used it for deviantart. That would be crack."
I typed in your username. I typed in that password.
I got onto your account.
I gasped.
I logged out.

You were lucky it was just me, not some genius hacker fellow that would probably change your icon yet again, like they the deviantart staff did on April Fools. It could've been worse than the Lady Gaga icon (although I actually found that one fine BTW). It could've been Edward. And no, I'm not talking about Edward Elric that is staring at you (along with other people) out of that poster above my bed in a non-creepy way. Nor is one of the Scissorhand type, nor of one out of a certain Disney Princess movie including Amy Adams and a certain McDreamy. Lol McDreamy.

In one Math test I had last year with word problems, they used the names Mr McDreamy and Mr McSteamy. I started silently cracking up in the exam room.

What I'm trying to say is, change your password, unless you want me to clear out your messages or something when you can't be bummed or have too much homework. Or don't want to have a heart attack when you find you have accumulated 946 deviants and 253 messages over a mere 3 days.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Spiffy!!


*throws confetti*

Just some random stuff now...

-My Dad was whistling Bad Romance yesterday. Know, since most of you don't know Dad, I will say that he likes shooting (the sport and the type of games), serious, I have never heard him sing, doesn't like Lily Allen's or Beyonce's music that much, likes Brian Adam's music a lot (I grew up on it, know loads of songs nearly off by heart) and when he hears a song, doesn't even tap a foot, maybe a finger.

So when I heard him whistling Bad Romance yesterday, I just about had a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, I love him a lot, but I nearly had a heart attack because of this OOCness. This is like me randomly doing the can-can at a Paramore. It doesn't happen. Ok, that was a bit OTT but still I hope he never reads this. And if he is, I still love him but yes, feel free to shoot me. And also, can we continue doing Halo co-op that we started on Saturday? Cos that was fun, even though I killed you accidently a few times. Heh Heh heh.


I deserved that I think.
