Thursday, January 28, 2010

BLOGGING FROM MY CLASSROOM :D or well the first bit anyway


Ok, so even though last year it was unblocked, I thought it would be blocked by our school computer people this year.

Like all these sites are now blocked >.< ALL GAME SITES.

This includes and even and And I had just got the hang of that Calling All Titans game. Seriously, I managed to get up to the second level, and pwn 24 guys (you may be thinking 'WTF you bliddy suck but I didn't get half of the mini games originally... no, your right, I do suck).

Sidereel. That means I have to watch NCIS at home and break the broadband. CRAP. Fanfiction. I enjoy reading the rare good ones and laughing at the crap ones, as bad as that sounds...

So all I can do now is play hearts, read forums and read manga. Actually, that's not so bad...

I've just realised for music, when my music teacher asked in our questionaire (writing quiz): "If you were on a desert island and had an iPod with one song on it, what would it be?"

My answers (we could have more than one answer)

-Fidelity -Regina Spektor
-Bottle It Up -Sara Barilles
-Don't Call Me When Your Sober-Evanesence
-Vanilla Twilight- Owl City

As much as that is an awesome song with awesome piano solos and cadenzas (showy off solo bit), I don't think your teacher will think highly of you when you write that as one of your favourite songs... I KNEW I SHOULD'VE PUT EVERYBODY'S FOOL!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

And yep, that's it.


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