Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Randomness No. 5: A Shipper Special

I am NOT a shipper. I repeat I am not a -maybe I am? Hell, that would suck. Seriously suck.

And also, this is MY view. And MY view only. I may be wrong, I may be right, but this is me, taking things on at face value.

I'd like to do a mini rant about shippers and shippering. It annoys me. And amuses me.

What it is: When a person 'ships' people on the television, they just kinda hope and root that they get together. They are shippers.

Am I one of them romantics? Nah. No way. I don't dream to meet some hot dude and we go off into the sunset and get married and s*** like that. That's stupid and cliche and so unrealistic that I feel like slapping those people's heads off.

Shipping on forums about tv:

Hell, sometimes it is really scary. I read forums quite frequently. Go on there if you have nothing to do.

Anyway, on the Grey's Anatomy Forums, they are so fierce on their shippings they bite back everyone else that disagrees. Or well thats what I saw on the Gizzie forum [George and Izzy, but we'll go onto that later]

Some are more, budging them along kind of rooting for them, as we already know that they will end up together in the end, that's one of the points of the show [but not the main one though, thank goodness] like Bones and Booth on Bones.

Shipping on forums on manga:

It's even more scarier than the tv forums. In Japan, I'm not sure if you are aware, but Japanese society totally thinks *alrighty, fine* on the terms of people being gay/lesbian/huge jumps in age/marrying at 16 [its allowed there, and does happen, like Kagome in Inuyasha got married at 16]. This means that anything and EVERYTHING goes. People get shipped with their best friends [and only friends], teammates, leaders, teachers [on Cardcaptor Sakura *manga*, Rita had an affair with her teacher. I swear], arch enemies, cousins, inner selves even.

Although half of them, I must admit, are 'Crack Pairings', pairings that are never going happen, but people still root for them cos the pairings that are probably going to happen are so boring/don't like the characters that its just not worth rooting for the main ones.

You search any big manga on deviant/google images/photobucket and you get all this ack wtf stuff of shippings making out and crap. [What the hell are looking at that for? you ask? well i was looking for funny icons as half the icons on the web aren't under '_______ icons' so you have to search through the whole freaking lot, including numerous repeats of images, sick jokes, and disgusting pictures, and pictures not even related to said subject [i think it was when i was looking up bleach, there was all these punk rock jeans pics on there. v. wtf.]

Weird shipper names:

Yes, I know it is a fusion of two names but it still sounds weird. Even if it is just a shortened form.

I was talking about shipping with Mum [what Sylvia? Talking about SHIPPING of all things with your MUM?! That's FREAKING CRIMINAL!] cos we were talking about the season finale of Fringe.
Conversation went a bit like this:

Sylvia: Well I guess Polivia can't happen then...kinda sucks for the shippers
Mum: Polivia? What's that?
Sylvia: Peter and Olivia. That's for people who want them to get together. That's like the shortened form of them.
Mum: Sounds weird.
Sylvia: Like Huddy or Hameron.
Mum: What is that?
Sylvia: House and Cuddy, House and Cameron, though I don't think they have one for Chase Cameron cos that's kinda doesn't work. Although I think that the best one by far that doesn't sound retarded is BB: Bones and Booth. Although Tiva [Tony and Ziva from NCIS] works well too...
Mum: I don't really care, Sylvia.
Sylvia: Neither do I...

Apart from Tiva and BB. They kinda are probably going to happen so Sylvia may/may not jump the bandwagon. Or just root for them, when the boring parts are on...

Oh and another one between me and Livi about Polivia [Livi isn't into shipping, and doesnt go on many tv forums so she doesn't really know about shipping, even if it is about her beloved Fringe anyway [she thinks Walter is awesome though, and if wasn't before, him saying that Vampires are probably not real just sealed the deal [hates Twilight, see her blog for why]]:

Livi: Polivia and Huddy?
Sylvia: Peter and Olivia, House and Cuddy.
Livi: Strange.

What's Cuddy?
Sylvia: She's House's Boss on House
Livi: Right.
Ohh yeah.

I was thinking Polivia was like..

LOL thats true
its strange shipper names

Meh, that's it for now,


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