Saturday, October 31, 2009

This blog is not dead yet

Just I have a lot of exams. ARGH.

So yes, this is why the lack of posts.

I have given up on trying to post stuff about my dreams BTW.

Although, if you must know, I had one about W.I.T.C.H. last night. Not very interesting.

Well, there isn't a lot of stuff to say.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Randomness No. 5: A Shipper Special

I am NOT a shipper. I repeat I am not a -maybe I am? Hell, that would suck. Seriously suck.

And also, this is MY view. And MY view only. I may be wrong, I may be right, but this is me, taking things on at face value.

I'd like to do a mini rant about shippers and shippering. It annoys me. And amuses me.

What it is: When a person 'ships' people on the television, they just kinda hope and root that they get together. They are shippers.

Am I one of them romantics? Nah. No way. I don't dream to meet some hot dude and we go off into the sunset and get married and s*** like that. That's stupid and cliche and so unrealistic that I feel like slapping those people's heads off.

Shipping on forums about tv:

Hell, sometimes it is really scary. I read forums quite frequently. Go on there if you have nothing to do.

Anyway, on the Grey's Anatomy Forums, they are so fierce on their shippings they bite back everyone else that disagrees. Or well thats what I saw on the Gizzie forum [George and Izzy, but we'll go onto that later]

Some are more, budging them along kind of rooting for them, as we already know that they will end up together in the end, that's one of the points of the show [but not the main one though, thank goodness] like Bones and Booth on Bones.

Shipping on forums on manga:

It's even more scarier than the tv forums. In Japan, I'm not sure if you are aware, but Japanese society totally thinks *alrighty, fine* on the terms of people being gay/lesbian/huge jumps in age/marrying at 16 [its allowed there, and does happen, like Kagome in Inuyasha got married at 16]. This means that anything and EVERYTHING goes. People get shipped with their best friends [and only friends], teammates, leaders, teachers [on Cardcaptor Sakura *manga*, Rita had an affair with her teacher. I swear], arch enemies, cousins, inner selves even.

Although half of them, I must admit, are 'Crack Pairings', pairings that are never going happen, but people still root for them cos the pairings that are probably going to happen are so boring/don't like the characters that its just not worth rooting for the main ones.

You search any big manga on deviant/google images/photobucket and you get all this ack wtf stuff of shippings making out and crap. [What the hell are looking at that for? you ask? well i was looking for funny icons as half the icons on the web aren't under '_______ icons' so you have to search through the whole freaking lot, including numerous repeats of images, sick jokes, and disgusting pictures, and pictures not even related to said subject [i think it was when i was looking up bleach, there was all these punk rock jeans pics on there. v. wtf.]

Weird shipper names:

Yes, I know it is a fusion of two names but it still sounds weird. Even if it is just a shortened form.

I was talking about shipping with Mum [what Sylvia? Talking about SHIPPING of all things with your MUM?! That's FREAKING CRIMINAL!] cos we were talking about the season finale of Fringe.
Conversation went a bit like this:

Sylvia: Well I guess Polivia can't happen then...kinda sucks for the shippers
Mum: Polivia? What's that?
Sylvia: Peter and Olivia. That's for people who want them to get together. That's like the shortened form of them.
Mum: Sounds weird.
Sylvia: Like Huddy or Hameron.
Mum: What is that?
Sylvia: House and Cuddy, House and Cameron, though I don't think they have one for Chase Cameron cos that's kinda doesn't work. Although I think that the best one by far that doesn't sound retarded is BB: Bones and Booth. Although Tiva [Tony and Ziva from NCIS] works well too...
Mum: I don't really care, Sylvia.
Sylvia: Neither do I...

Apart from Tiva and BB. They kinda are probably going to happen so Sylvia may/may not jump the bandwagon. Or just root for them, when the boring parts are on...

Oh and another one between me and Livi about Polivia [Livi isn't into shipping, and doesnt go on many tv forums so she doesn't really know about shipping, even if it is about her beloved Fringe anyway [she thinks Walter is awesome though, and if wasn't before, him saying that Vampires are probably not real just sealed the deal [hates Twilight, see her blog for why]]:

Livi: Polivia and Huddy?
Sylvia: Peter and Olivia, House and Cuddy.
Livi: Strange.

What's Cuddy?
Sylvia: She's House's Boss on House
Livi: Right.
Ohh yeah.

I was thinking Polivia was like..

LOL thats true
its strange shipper names

Meh, that's it for now,


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I don't know about toasters but my school's computer team can just di-FAIL

Cos dying isn't really good.

But our computer management people have MSN from our laptops/internet. ARGH!

Well I suppose I can see the plus side and all but really: IT SUCKS.

So I'm going to be bias and think like that.

So I am thinking about the sucky things in my life at the moment.

-Angel has to do a report about toasters for NCEA Level 1. Yes you heard me, TOASTERS. That sucks. She's done a blog post about it, so I advise you to check it out.

-We are starting forces in Science. Not that I don't like Physics, but about this time last year, I was doing forces in my other school. Oh fun fun. I also remember my teacher's failed attempt at drawing a foot pushing off from the ground to make the skateboard go faster. I don't know how to describe it. So I will fail to draw the failed drawing.

Yep. And yes, those lines are to mark his pants, not his shoes. Or well its for both. Meh.

-Exams in 4 weeks. English is 2 hours where we have to write 3 essays. >_<

-Spanish speech next week about "Vivo en mi casa" and so such.

-I will fail my SS presentation. I will not get E [equivalent to A in America BTW], as I never get E's for SS at all. And English is the only subject where we get to resit our tests. Why can't all classes be like that?!

-Internet Explorer/my Wireless Internet is crapping out.

-I am procrastinating against doing homework and are now doing Mathletics, which is as close as I got to, to doing any homework this 1/2 hour. And no, my Art is not finished. I actually forgot about it.

And now I've got that out, I am going to now watch Fringe.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some of Sylvia's MSN taglines

Cos I felt like it.

Sylvia: Booth: Brennan, I want to tell you something deep inside my heart. Bones: But blood is in your heart Booth. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL!

Sylvia: U c him here, u c him ther, you see him evrywer. Is he in Heaven, or is he in Hell, that damn Scarlett Pimpernel (POEM FAIL!!!!)

Sylvia: Read BLOGGING TWILIGHT!! [just don't kill me if you hate it, kay?]EMMETT AND JACOB JETPACKING IN PARIS FTW!!!!!




Sylvia: BRING BACK BONES,NCIS,CRIMINAL MINDS,GREYs, HOUSE, CHUCK & FUTURAMA! I am now yelling at the idiots in my manga. Don't judge me.

Sylvia: I can't believe I even THOUGHT, let alone WATCH Winx Club Season 4. Stupid Ashley. It brings back nostalgia and headpalming.

Sylvia: I can't believe I even THOUGHT let alone WATCHED Winx Club Season 4. Stupid Ashley. I finished yet ANOTHER manga. Fast aren't I?

Sylvia: I like these tagline thingys. Ohmigod 10 DAYS TIL BONES PREMIERE!!!! OH SO COOL!!!1!! BB 4va!! Jk. I'm not a shipper. Full stop.

Sylvia: 2010=YEAR OF AWESOME MOVIES: Percy Jackson, The Last Airbender, The Recruit, MAXIMUM RIDE and some other I can't remember...

Sylvia: You know what? I learnt that if sticky white PVA stuff comes out of a plant's stem: don't touch it. you may die. Almost.

Sylvia: You know what? I was looking forward to watching Madagascar 2 this afternoon and Dad has to return it before I see it. Figures

Sylvia: OH DEAR GOD NO: TWILIGHT TURNING INTO A MANGA [for those not stuffed clicking the link]. Mornings should be illegal


Sylvia: Olivia and I's blog: // OMG first Bones epi of Season 5 =AWESOME

Sylvia: Olivia and I's blog: // READ PLZ. This weeks Bleach chapter=Win

Sylvia: Blog: Thanks to Monique for following us!!! [you rock, and PatD is [*high 5*]

Sylvia: Blog: Booth used MY type of laptop in the Bones Premier. best thing about my laptop


Sylvia: Blog: NCIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!!! French Speech tomorrow Im learning today. Damn

Sylvia: Blog: I'd like a hover craft and a Gold-plated i-Phone for Christmas, thanks

Sylvia: Blog: I am so bored that I'm doing freaking Mathletics right now. OH FAIL

Sylvia: Sam, you know how you asked me to tell you if Skulduggery Pleasant is good or not a while back? Well its freaking AWESOME!!

Sylvia: The guy in my icon is edward elric from full metal alchemist. And he pwns all Edwards out there, even sparkly ones.

Sylvia: Being a loner in music.... anyone care to join me? I learnt I cannot use Pastels to save my life in the holidays.

Sylvia: New Post! Im even thinking of changing my icon to a NatsuxLucy instead of just Lucy >< Blogging the Twilight Saga for Xmas= ^_^

That was pointless


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Being A Loner in Music, Anyone Care to Join Me? And some belated Friday Randomness No. 4. Also Sylvia's World Dreamscape Level 2

Have we been going for a whole freaking month?! *gasps*

I am seriously 15 minutes early for Music. It's weird. Too quiet.
Its school. But instead of you frowning over Maths, Sylvia has another dream to share with you. *yay* *cough cough hack* stupid *cough cough hack* *=^_^=*

Basic Summary: Skidoo through this level- or else! Play as Sylvia in a race against time to save the CSI:NY team from a powerful enemy. Save them from a train that will keep going and crash, unless Sylvia and her friend can save the day.

Indepth Summary:Another level that is actually based on a dream, and the start of a chain reaction of dreams that are like 1 a night that have been happening on and off for the last year or so [in fact it happened in the last week of Term 3, to be exact.]Sylvia and her friend, who I will call Jesse, has teamed up with the CSI: NY team to look at the death of starlet actor Audrey
Anderson whose remains have been mummified [ewww yuck ><] OFF TOPIC NOSTALGIC STORY: Me and my friend, named after the Indian God with a cow for its head [you go look that up] and now a resident of Perth for 2ish years, when we were the only ones at school/everyone else had ditched us, would role-play as detectives Jesse [was that even her name? *nervous gulp*] and Natasha. Natasha was me by the way, I named her after one of Mum's friend's daughter in the Americas, as I liked her name. Haven't Natasha for 3ish years. That was when I still liked Winx Club and REALLY liked Ruby Gloom [she's still freaking awesome, and Livi, if you are running out of ideas for my Christmas Present, a Ruby Gloom t-shirt from Jay Jays is a good idea xD (don't give me that look, I'm joking, and there is no way in hell I'm going to get you freaking yuck ecchi manga for Christmas. No way.)]

Sylvia, Jesse and the CSI:NY team walk down a long tunnel down the subway and find the body of a mummified body crucified on a stick [I'm serious. It was like the same one from Bones 3x05: The Mummy in the Maze] and identify it as Audrey Anderson [or something like that]. She was found next to an empty open train. The CSI:NY people get on, the train doors shut, and the train steams at a racing pace, threatening never to stop. Sylvia and Jesse run to try to stop the train using the big red emergency button and end up getting seperated in a system of tunnels. Use Sylvia's Dream weapon to get rid of the evil shadows and rats to stop the train! Actual dream: Like that, minus Jesse and getting rid of rats. After that happened, I gave my pink coat to the main guy [whose name I can't remember] because it was bulletproof and he gets in a boxing match with the '333 stalker' *cough* not really *cough*. He looked like West of Heroes. It's weird.

Friday Randomness:
-I cannot colour with pastels to save my life. I just wreck EVERYTHING.
-I got elected class captain for this term. What the hell?! [if this is a joke, please stop now XD] But I am seriously flattered, but meh, we hardly do anything.
-I got a good mark for Science *yays* -I took my house that was in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright home that we did in Art today. It JUST fit in the car.
-Fairy Tail Anime just started today. WHEN THE HELL DID HAPPY SOUND LIKE A GIRL?! I liked his catchphrase "Aye!". It was cute =^_^= nya! [Happy is cat btw] [I am seriously obsessed with this Fairy Tail Omake. WHY?! I think it was lol and cute the first time, then rofl the second time, then WTFOMG NATSUXLUCY 4EVA the next time. Oh no. Sylvia is a shipper. OH HELL NO! But Lucy getting so ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOP Ahhh WHY AM THINKING THAT?!?!?! is so very much Amu from Shugo Chara its not funny. It's just so xDish... ]

Meh that was it.
Yes, no more pictures, I have Homework to do.

Oh yes promoting blogs AGAIN time.

New Ones: -A spinoff of Spiffy's Random Blog -A Blog by Angel/Yasmin's friend Crazy Hyper Person

Old Ones:

Til later,


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hi, Angel told me to post so I'm posting.

Now just before I start, for some reason I found this slightly silly of me. Ok my friend was texting me, and I was at home alone, listening to the radio. Everytime my phone beeped, I yelled/screamed. Stupid Sylvia.

Now onto the main thing:

some things I'm slightly dissapointed about:
-Dude who plays Percy: Aren't you meant to be 11 or something?
-Isn't Annabeth supposed to have blonde hair?
-If the guy at 0:33 is Hades, well he certainly does not look like Hades
-I've just realised Kevin McKidd from Grey's Anatomy is not really a Posiedon for me. But he still is...
-Who the hell is Pierce Brosonan meant to be and why does he suddenly look homeless [ok no not homeless, just the hair don't suit him at all. [looked it up, Chiron, and now Chiron is on my top 10 favorite characters list [not that I have one but moving on]]
-I'd like to see Luke, our mastermind bad guy [ish]

And yes, there you have it, I've posted.

Til later,


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Meme. A very weird one. [not the weirdest one I have encountered, but its up there]

1.YOUR ROCK STAR NAME (first pet, current car): Don't-have-a-pet Mazda
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME (fave ice cream flavor, favorite type of shoe): Strawberry Chucks [even though I don't have any....FAIL FAIL FAIL]
3. YOUR NATIVE AMERICAN NAME (favorite color, favorite animal): Blue Lynx [pwns yours Angel xD]
4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, city where you were born): Emma Auckland
5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first name): Crysy [well its better than my real name...]
6. SUPERHERO NAME (2nd favorite color, favorite drink): Violet Hot Chocolate
7. NASCAR NAME (the first names of your grandfathers): Jack Gordan[s] [Gordans sounds cooler than Gordan]
8. STRIPPER NAME (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy): Strawberry Fruit Burst [Fruit Bursts FTW]
10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME (your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter): Shirley Singapore
11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower): Autumn Violet/Autumn Pansy
12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now): [dried] Mango Nightie [wtf]
13. HIPPIE NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree): Crackers Sakura [hem... Cherry tree really. But does Crackers Cherry sound better than Crackers Sakura? Actually, yes it does... damn]

I TAG YOU! *points*

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sylvia Is Annoyed With Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles and Friday Randomness No. 3

There is mild level swearing [not the f word or anything] in this post. Possibly.

This may not make sense to you, and you may think I am off my rocker but even if you don't get it, I just need to rant.
Alrighty, I know a lot of people are not good with manga and probably not reading it either so I will give a short explanation of this horrible mess.

Sakura and Syaoran love each other. That’s pretty obvious. When Sakura’s memories get lost through the worlds in the form of feathers, he, an amnesia-hit Sakura, the warrior Kurogane, the sorcerer Fai and Mokona, a dimension hopper go through the worlds finding Sakura’s feathers. Then the confusing stuff happens. A bad guy by the name of Fei Wong Reed wants Sakura’s feathers for himself. The Syaoran with Kurogane and Fai is fake and the real Syaoran is being held by Reed. We later find out the Sakura with Kurogane and Fai is fake as well, and the real Sakura has been frozen in time in the ruins of her kingdom by, you guessed it, Fei Wong Reed who wants a certain Witch By the name of Yuuko from xxxholic alive, even though she is meant to be dead which is ultimate taboo [bring the dead back to life]. Its all very confusing, so please don't ask me to explain.

Instead, go here:

and here:

Now remembering, if anyone wants anything removed from this blog, all you have to do is ask.

If you STILL don't get it, it's fine, I kind of don't as well.

Now for the rant bit:


What should've happened:

-CLAMP telling us what happened in plain English [or Japanese, cos that's their main language...]

-Lots of I love yous and stuff like that

-What happened after the Syaroans got out of the tube

-What happened to Watanuki

-Where the hell do they go after this? I mean they are seriously not going live in a freaking desert [or a cake, if you get my drift...] for the rest of their lives.

-Is Fai and Kurogane going to go back to their villages?

-Are they going to be shoved to the side for the rest of their lives for Syaoran and Sakura like Alice, Emmett and all the other Cullens and Blacks for Bella and Edward in Twilight?

-What is going to happen to Watanuki?

-Someone explaining to me why I can't comprehend what is happening [oooh used big word just then]

-Why Fei Wong Reed is such a do- idiot. In fact I'll tell you, when everything that could go bad happens, don't blame Murphy, blame Fei Wong Reed for mucking up the time/space continuem (sp?) and making your day incredibly confusing and suck. In fact he needs the double whammy of suck [copyright Kat Rosenfield on Sparknotes...].

What Really Happened:

-Watanuki somehow disappeared, Fai said "Let's start anew from here" [or sommat like that] and Syaoran said, "Thank You."

Oh yeah. That's right.

This kinda reminds me of A Series of Unfortunate Events where its not really an ending rather more a beginning. A lot is unexplained like what the heck is VFD and if the siblings are going to survive on that boat with Kit's [or is it Kat's? sorry....] [is it even Kat? I haven't read the series in about 3 years] chilld and who on earth [or off it] is Beatrice?

But life is like that, and we move on.

I suppose I am just a bit annoyed that it just suddenly stops. I am also annoyed that they have made it really complicated, although it was probably essential. I am just feeling like this plot is like in Death Note where a really important guy dies and Light's like "I had this all planned out since 5 months ago muahahahahaha." He needs to meet my non-existant in a story but in pictures and my mind Made Up People the Nirvana Saints. Then he will get his arse kicked...

Some random stuff

I am also annoyed at the idiot that put 15 second Naruto clips where it was meant to be Grey's Anatomy episodes [like you click on a link for Grey's Season 6 Episode 3 on Sidereel and you get that crap]. Although its not that bad as that is the closest thing I will get to a Naruto and Grey's Anatomy crossover [XD JK].

That on Kelly Clarkson's album, "My December" there is a hidden track on the end of Irvine [the final track]. I have had the album for a year and a half and have never noticed it. *FAIL*

I heard on the radio that in the Lyric Book for Fearless [Taylor Swift] that there is capital letters as lyrics or something [don't own the CD]. Put the letters on each song together and you get a message. E.g. On Fifteen the message is, "I cried while writing this song."

If you can't be bummed piecing the messages together go here:

And BTW I have borrowed off Brand New Eyes of Angel and downloaded it onto I-Tunes [YES!!!] So thats another thing off the list *mental tick*

Til later,


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sylvia Talk

Before I start, myself and probably Angel will jump the bandwagon and go and follow Leaflower's sister Summer Strawberry's blog:

And yes, I am basically advertising all the blogs I come across of people that I know. And yes, I will probably put links up later of all of my mentioned blogs. And yes, if you want to mentioned again, flick me an email.

This is basically the same as
Leaflower's Dictionary however this is MY words, not her's. If there is repetition, then we obviously say the same thing, got a problem? [heh jk...]

Sorry if I seem a bit annoyed, but I am trying to watch the latest episode of my precious BONES and all of the links I'm clicking on sucks. WHERE THE HECK IS THE MEGAVIDEO LINKS?? OH ROAR AND FUDGE IT!!!

I actually used to do little Sylvia comics in my homework book for my teacher to see with the extra space under the spelling grid and where I used to put my Homework in...she loved them.

This was one of them.

And BTW these are copyrighted to yours truly.

1) You Im! expression (pro. U IM!)

Meaning "You Imbecile". One commonly used meaning a person doing weird/random/idiotic action.

1a) Imbecile with a *Colour* *bodypart* adv. (pro: em-bee-sill wi-dth ay....)

A recurring joke between Angel, her sister Roxy and I. It is basically an imbecile [a crude insult which basically calls the insultee a person with an IQ between 25-50]

2) Pthinea/Pthinean n. (pro: Pi-thin-ee-a/Paar-thin-ee-an)

It's Negaversian, a language I made up. It's gibberish... so if I start talking in a foreign language very fast and fluently, it's Negaversian. And its just me blowing steam.

Pthinea is one of two words that actually mean something... the other is below

3) Mavione (pro: Maa-vee-on)
Alright the meaning has changed a hell of a lot, but I have finally decided on a meaning (yay) of NEVER. Yes I know, very depressing. [Heck, of all the meanings in the world, you choose NEVER Sylvia...]

4)Cough de Cough Cough [Cough] ono. (pro. Coff dee coff coff [coff])
Ok, I don't really say this anymore but basically its like saying "Yeah Right". Example: "Sylvia will do all of her homework these holidays." "Cough de cough cough cough"

5)Eh! ono. [pro: Ear! also pronounced EEEEAAAARRR!!]
Sound of disgust of what people says/thinks/does. Stolen from Roxy and Angel's vocab.

5a) *name* EH! adv.
Meaning said person is doing/saying something very weird.

6)-de may. suff. [pro. Dee may]
A Negaversian suffix. If put onto a word [usually an English word] it means, that it is 10x better than original word. For example, "Good-de-may" Means good times 10.

7)Poo Bum Poo! adv.

A crude insult used by Angel and Roxy. It means idiot. Very much an idiot.

And that's kinda it.
