Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stuff I'm currently reading.

I read. A lot. I read just about everything on the internet, hardly read anything in true life anymore. It's so sad.

So I've decided to take through everything I read in the afternoons on the internet. is like the sugar that my life runs on. There's the crap sugary stuff [like ew... licorice (sorry Mario)] and all the good sugary stuff [like Fruit Bursts, and rarely, Chocolate Elves. I just love them. I am so weird.].

So this is it:

Start diary at 5:54 Pm on the 4th of August.

I'd also like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend TARA in Aussie whose birthday was 2 days ago. I have no idea if you even read my blog, so I'll have to email you. Eventually...

This is one of my more quiet days, not hard out continuous reading. There are breaks between.

With regards to chapter, I'm putting down what chapter I have read. These are ongoing stories, and so I only need to read the latest chapter each time. Not the whole thing.

Also, if I make references to the following manga, if you don't get it, just skip it.

Title: Liking Oneself
Author: Yemi Hikari
Fandom: Bleach
Chapter: 16

*Had dinner etc.*

Title: The Prince and His Guard
Author: JTheGreat88
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist
Chapter: 17

Title: More Romantic Bleach Drabbles [I'm reading this for the lulz and the awesome writing of this person who can just stick the most random people together and come out with a plausible drabble, i.e. a REALLY short story, no plot.]
Author: Solar Kitty
Fandom: Bleach [I read a lot of Bleach fanfiction. Just cos sometimes its just THAT much better than the actually manga.]
Drabble: 5

Title: Seeking Solace [Theme 005 of 100]
Author: tsuyosa-10
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Is a oneshot [A one off short story].

Title: Draped in Wires [oneshot collection]
Author: .Poisoned Scarlet. [she does mean oneshots]
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist
Oneshot: 1

If you actually are reading the fanfictions, than you probably have realised I actually am a sucker for romance. [someone faints]
But so long as it is not all mushy and tears and crap or makeoutmakeouthavesexmakeout. Yes, I did just say that. [someone else faints]

Title: Love [Theme 002 out of 100, she does them randomly]
Author: tsuyosa-10 [the only fanfiction writer on deviantart I read. So far.
Fandom: Hetalia

The above one is actually quite a creepy character study of Russia. It's really good.

Title: Fairy Lore
Author: Maddy02
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Drabbles: 52, 53, 54

Title: On the Banks
Author: crimson-obsidian-rose [this person makes good Hetalia oneshots, if I remember rightly]
Fandom: Hetalia

That's it for today


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Sorry Yasmin, I just killed the level 24 shiny pachirsu thingy. D:

Friday, July 23, 2010

More Memes... blame it on Angel.

As usual, who else?

[x] - You like cheese.

[] - You hate peanuts.

[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.

[] - You have farted today. I have no idea.

[x] - You have choked on something.

[x] - You are a writer.

[ ] - You smoke.

[x] - You like to swim.

[] - You have farted more than once today. See above.

[x] - You like ice cream. (I guess. I prefer Sorbet though) Yus sorbet *epichighfiveplz*


[x] - You have lied more than 10 times.

[ ] - You are an only child.

[ ] - You have more than 3 pets.

[] - You prefer water to other drinks.

[ ] - You are an alcoholic.

[x] - You are under 20 years old.

[ ] - You are over 30 years old.

[ ] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

[x] - You like jewelry.

[x] - Your favorite music genre is rock.


[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs. We have kilos here. Stupid Americans /shot

[ ] - You like pirates. No. NINJAS FTW

[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something. [heh heh. Hetalia. And Edward Elric/FMA]


[] - You take a prescription drug every day.

[ ] - You have a job.

[ ] - You live with your parents. [you do Yasmin you idiot.]

[x] - You like to eat eggs. WTF is wrong with it. Unless your Yasmin.

[ ] - You have a religion.

[ ] - You dress stranger than other people.


[ ] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks.

[x] - You have eaten something odd before. Shark Fin.

[] - You are bad at math.

[x] - You love electronics.

[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week.

[x] - You cuss a lot. Yes I do, amazingly

[x] - You believe in aliens.

[x] - You play video games.

[] - You have low self-esteem.

[x] - You carry a purse. But not all the time


[x] - You like flowers.

[ ] - You are bisexual or homosexual

[ ] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.

[ ] - You have used tarot before.

[x] - You believe in ghosts.

[ ] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome. (WTH is that?)

[ ] - You like ~Fotus9's horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's. (Ditto)

[ ] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.

[ ] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.

[ ] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.


[x] - You like fire. Yes. [i probably like every anime person that wields some form of fire. And Zuko. Maybe not Commander Yammamoto though]

[] - You have fainted or passed out before. Nearly.

[ ] - You have a high school diploma.

[ ] - You live in America.

[ ] - You use hand sanitizer a lot.

[x] - You consider yourself a nerd. Ah the shame.

[ ] - You have tried chewing tobacco.

[x ] - You are a conspiracy theorist. When I want to be...

[ ] - You sleep in the nude. Lol Hetalia reference there.

[] - You will tag people to do this. NO.


[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous.

[x] - You own a stuffed animal.

[] - You like watermelon. It's annoying to eat.

[ ] - You live in Europe.

[] - You have a fetish for something. Fetish? Weird word. IDK

[x] - You fidget a lot.

[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.

[x] - You won't re-post this quiz.

[x] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one.

[ ] - You have a brother.


[] - You can cook well. (Have you seen me try to cook chicken? It failed. I probably nearly killed the teacher when she tasted the final product.)

[x] - You like to party. Um... I suppose.

[x] - You are a bad dancer. (Yes.)

[ ] - You are a professional dancer.

[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat.

[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy.)

[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.

[x] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz. I don't want to be any mental patients, organs or animals doing obscure things to poles kthx

[x] - You have run away from something.

[x] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3".


[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together.

[x] - You have done an odd experiment. In the name of Science and Mythbusters.

[] - People have stared at you oddly in public. (When I was in Sylvia Park and someone chucked my slushie away, I "fell" to my knees in a dramatic manner and shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!") <= Angel. I so wished I was there.

[] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive.

[ ] - You have a step-mom or dad.

[ ] - You hate to be tagged.

[] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.

[ ] - You have a dA subscription.

[] - Your hair is brown.

[x] - You love to eat candy.


[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween.

[x] - You love cats.

[x] - You have a quirky personality

[] - You are a coffee addict.

[] - You live near a body of water.

[] - You have had a toothache.

[] - You currently have to go to the bathroom.

[] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?".

[x] - You use the term: "Epic Fail". YES.


Find your score & re-post this titled as "I'm __, ______________". (Put your answer in the blank.)

0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = Weapon of mass destruction.
69 = An epic failure at everything.
70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = Sweat.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.

I'M A FREAKING PINCUSHION. I wanted to be the ninja. But this beats a Mammory Gland HA.

10 Favourites
• Favourite Colour: Idk. Purple?
• Favourite Food: Dried mango and sorbet. And mango Sorbet. And stewed apple.
• Favourite Band artist: Paramore
• Favourite Show: BONES. NCIS.
• Favourite Sport: Swimming? [Does playing COD or Halo count?]
• Favourite Season: Autumn
• Favourite Day Of the Week: Saturday.
• Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry
• Favourite Time of Day: Afternoon
• Favourite Activities: Drawing, reading, listening to music

9 Currents
• Current Mood: Sleepy.
• Current Taste: That chocolate biscuit I just ate.
• Current Clothes: Jeans and purple T-shirt
• Current Computer: Ummm...Windows XP??
• Current Finger/Toenail Colour:Natural as usual
• Current Time: 5:58 pm
• Current Surroundings: Lounge.
• Current Annoyance(s):my back, its hurting a bit. my eyes, should have put my contacts in last night
• Current Thought: I need to scan those pictures for yasmin and stop doing memes.

8 Firsts
• First Best Friend: Ellie
• First crush this school year: N/A I go to girls school.
• First Screen Name: I have no idea.
• First Pet: N/A
• First Piercing: Earrings
• First Thing You Did Today: Woke up
• First Thing You Ate: Cereal
• First school you went to: a primary school somewhere in nz

7 Lasts
• Last Food Consumption: Biscuit
• Last Car Ride: In Aunty's car from Saturday School
• Last Text Message: Leavng now [from mum, to tell me shes gonna pick me up]
• Last Movie Seen: The A-Team
• Last Item Bought: idk
• Last CD Played: All American Rejects on iTunes
• Last Website You Were On: blogger xD

6 Have You Evers
• Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Nope.
• Have You Ever Broken the Law: dont think so
• Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope
• Have You Ever Been on TV: in the background xD
• Have You Ever Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: yep.
• Have You Ever Sat On The Roof: No. Should though but i keep thinking that the roof will collapse.

5 Places You've Been To
• My House
• Angel's house
• School
• Australia
• China

4 Things
• You're Wearing: Hair Tye, Top, Jeans, Underwear [sad isnt it?]
• You Did Last Night: Went on the computer, did homework, talked to people on MSN
• What Can You Hear Right Now: The TV, the computer, my sister in the bath banging the floor and my mum yelling at her
• You Can't Live Without: Friends. Family. And the internetz LOL. [high five Yas totally agree]

3 People You Can Tell Anything To
• Angel
• Alisha
• YOU [jk]

2 Choices
• Black or White: black
• Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Love
• Drawing [YES]

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have Fun!!

1. What is your name:
[I'll use] Sylvia [for now]

2. A four Letter Word:
Soap [yes wtf]

3. A boy's Name:
Um... Simon? [from Mortal Instruments xD]

4. A girl's Name:

5. An occupation:
Skiier [professional]

6. A color:

7. Something you wear:

8. A food:

9. In the bathroom:

10. A place:
Sweden! Su-san! [more Hetalia there]

11. A reason for being late:
Slipped downstairs

12. Something you shout:

13. A movie title:
Shutter Island [idk wh that came up]

14. Something you drink:
Sip-ahh... it's that thing with the straw that has that flavoured powder and you stick it in plain milk and drink and it instantly becomes flavoured milk.

15. A musical group:
Youngbloods ( Never heard of them??) I have... um... Slipknot? [i dont even like them but whatever]

Crap that was hard.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

50 prompts continued

From February

I didn't think it was that far away!!!

First 4 prompts:

Sorry they're kinda short!

5) Misunderstanding:

Real story (happened to me last term)

Today Sylvia was sick with a stomache ache. And, like most stress-o-holics like Sylvia, she had emailed a friend asking for homework. Luckily, there was only some stuff for Science, two pamphlets on eating disorders.

As usual, Sylvia kept *bloody*procrastinating, and in the end had to finish the last pamplet on Monday morning, rising the stress levels of the rest of the family, along with hers. At long last, around 8:10 am, she finally managed to print and finish everything.

Heaving a long sigh, she managed to heave her tired body to Science at the start of the day and sit down.

"How are you Sylvia?" said a body flopping down next to her.

"Oh hi," she sighed. "Spent all last night doing the stupid pamphlets."

"Right," the voice said from the next to her. "You do know that it's due in two weeks right?"


6) Sculpture:

Sylvia had never used clay to create anything so detailed before.
She didn't like making things, like models and cards, and things that can't go into her scrapbook. But then, everyone else wanted to do it, so why not?
The wad of clay felt disgusting and squishy in her hands, clinging to the creases in her palm.
She frowned; this was going to be hard.

Body first. one big retangly blob of clay.

Legs, two cylinder blobs.

Arms, two cylinder rolls

Hands, 10 small balls,

Feet, two oval disks

Clothes, carved out and patterned by a plastic knife.

She took a step back, admiring her work.
You could kind of see the simillarity between the brave chinese soldier and the blob in front of her.

Now for the face. This was going to be hard.

7) Hour:

Tick tick tick...

Stupid clock. Go faster.

I don't want to hear any more about acceleration.

I'm bored. Bored. Bored.

Bell bell bell.

Ring Ring Ring.



My sanity is nearly gone.

8) Way:

Everything I do is my way.
I eat my way, not stuffed down my throat, not chewed hastily, but carefully, chewing things to mush.Ice Creams are licked to the shapes of thumb tacks, then the soggy cone is bitten fast.

I walk my way, two steps at a time, stumbling with my heavy bag on my back.Kicking and launching myself at doors, no obstacle will get my way.

I talk my way, a mix of wit and sarcasm with a hint of angry rant and rambling.I tell it like it is, blunt and to the point. I don't try to make my words flowery, don't like, don't listen.

I sleep my way, nightie up round my stomach, sprawled out, douvet half on the ground.It seems after every dream I have, I end up like that.

I am the way that I want, and whatever you say, whatever you do, I will never change.Ever.

9) Chemistry:

Chemistry. How would one define chemistry?

Angel would probably say: "All this boring crap with Atoms and particles."

Annalese would say: "Something to do with Science Experiments and making this blow up?"

Roxxi would say; "Science. Meh."

Sylvia would smirk then say: "People 'connecting' with UST, unresolved sexual tension."

Angel would choke.

Roxxi would yell in the direction of Annalese, hoping she wouldn't hear.

Annalese would say, "Oh, THAT type of chemistry."

And Sylvia would say, "Stop growing up Annalese."

10) Catastrophe:

Her sister was a walking catastrophe. She could not walk past the toy shelf without shoving everything on the floor.
The floor needed to be a mess, a constant mess, a beautiful mess, in her eyes. Not anyone elses.
Everything was thrown into small piles, where she could play, it was her own way oforganising everything.
All objects were her's, no one else's , everything she could get, would get, or at least try to get in every possible way
In a way, she was the ultimate form of greed. She wanted everything she couldn't get her hands on, and once she obtained it, she played with it, became bored with it, flapped it, threw it, and after all the effort of getting it, she broke it.

And the Catashtrophe continued.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yet another Meme. Yay.

Tagged by Angel. Who else?

[ ] - Dust scares you.
[ ] - Your mother had more than 2 children.
[ ] - You are a smoker.
[ ] - You drink a lot.
[x] - You like to write.
[ ] - You are religious.
[ ] - You like to burn candles.
[X] - You prefer juice or water over soda.
[x] - You have ridden a horse.


[ ] - You have done drugs.
[ ] - You are currently a drug addict.
[x] - You are very artistic.
[] - You like stuffed animals.
[x] - You are attracted to shiny things.
[ ] - You have eaten a bug before.
[ ] - You love cars.
[X] - Cats are your favorite animal.
[ ] - You hate animals.
[x] - You are spontaneous and random


[] - You like fruit a lot.
[] - You drive.
[x] - You make / made good grades in school.
[x] - You are going / are in / have been to college.
[x] - You like for things to be very clean.
[X] - You are very messy. No it doesn't make sense. My room is a tip site, but if I see something that is not my room that is a mess, then I have to clean it up.
[x] - You love to eat. It's sad.
[x] - Christmas is your favorite holiday.
[] - You like the beach.
[ ] - You hate the color pink.


[x] - You wear glasses or contacts.
[x] - You chat online a lot. (Well on MSN to Yasmin and not much else)
[x] - You always use correct grammar.
[x] - You like to take quizzes.
[ ] - You eat out at restaurants more than you eat at home.
[x] - You enjoy swimming.
[ ] - You have more than 5 pets.
[ ] - You have more than 10 pets.
[x] - You believe in ghosts. (Ish)
[ ] - You have seen a ghost.

[x] - You prefer comedy movies over romance movies.
[] - You like dancing, either doing it yourself or watching.
[ ] - You have been to a strip club.
[ ] - You drink coffee in the morning. (EW)
[] - You like to be awake at night.
[x] - You don't go outside often
[x] - You love to read
[x] - You believe in an afterlife of some kind.
[x] - You have had short hair.
[ ] - You know how to cook well. [YEAH RIGHT. HAVE YOU SEEN ME TRY TO COOK CHICKEN?!]



0 - 1 = Mosquito.
2 - 3 = A weed.
4 - 5 = Daisy.
6 - 7 = Janitor.
8 - 9 = Goose.
10 - 11 = Rock.
12 - 13 = Fireman.
14 - 15 = Rose.
16 - 17 = Mouse.
18 - 19 = Cow.
20 - 21 = Rabbit.
22 - 23 = Mental Patient.
24 - 25 = Grass.
26 - 27 = Water.
28 - 29 = Bat.
30 - 31 = Hippo.
32 - 33 = Crocodile.
34 - 35 = Vampire.
36 - 37 = Horse.
38 - 39 = Hawk.
40 - 41 = Spider
42 - 43 = Flea.
44 - 45 = Princess or Prince.
46 - 47 = President

Yay!! I'm mental!! I wanted to be a hawk or a vampire though D:


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yasmin have you seen this?

I was even considering entering [whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Sylvia doesn't enter ANYTHING!!!]

But I have a cold. And I sound like crap. Really.

Like 10x worse than normal voice.